"You better hurry, I have to close the shop," she said.

As I had expected she had forgotten about the whole situation. Now she was thinking she hadn't closed the library yet. I felt proud; the training hadn't been for nothing.

"Yes of course. I only came to return this book."

"Ah, yes," she said while she took the book from my hands and walked towards the desk.

"Actually, I also have a question."

She turned around and looked at me.

"On page 394 somebody wrote the name of another book. I wondered if you had it in your collection as well?"

She turned to page 394 and I pointed out the title to her. When she read the name of the book she frowned. "Why do you want this book?" She asked.

"I just need it for some work," I replied.

"Hmm... I know this book, yes. But it's not here. It's.. Wait, I'll look it up for you."

She searched through some drawers and eventually found an old looking book, its pages yellowed. When she found the right page she said: "I think the book you are looking for is in Milan, Italy. These are old records though, but it's the only place that I know of."

"Really?" I asked, astonished by the fact she found it so fast. How come it hadn't turned up in my search results? Maybe this information was so old it hadn't been registered in the computer systems. "Could you give me the address?"

After thanking the librarian I walked back to my apartment, the note with the address on it in my pocket. When I closed the door of my apartment behind me I carried out a quick check of the room. All my stuff was still here and the files were untouched. Relief washed over me; now I finally knew about the book I didn't want to waste any more time checking my laptop; that could wait another hour. I took my jacket from the chair and prepared myself to travel from Nepal to Milan. With my eyes closed I thought of Milan and the address I had to be. The feeling of the pull, like a force pulling me down, came and sounds of traffic faded in the background.

As soon as they had faded, the sounds came back again; I heard the noise of cars, the siren of an ambulance and people talking everywhere. But also the sound of glasses and dishes of what was probably a restaurant; I could hear Milan.

When I opened my eyes I noticed I was standing in an ally, probably close to a busy street. From where I stood, all I could see were some restaurants and a couple of shops. The antique shop must be somewhere close by.

I walked down the street for some time until I saw an old shop on my left. It was called Duffer. That was it! Walking up the steps I tried to peer inside already, but the windows were so dusty that I couldn't. When I opened the door, a bell rang.

It was a very old shop and it smelled like dust. Alongside the walls all sorts of antique was stacked. Wooden furniture stood against the right wall and above the furniture hung a huge collection of paintings. The left wall wasn't even visible behind the big tapestry that hung there and on the ground were piles of books and vinyls. A big box full of old toys, which looked like they originated from the Middle Ages, was dumped in the corner.

"Oh, hello there beautiful," a friendly, old voice said in Italian.

An old woman had come into the store. She had white hair and walked a bit crooked with her walking stick in her hand. Her eyes beneath her pink glasses were a bright colour of blue and she wore colourful clothes; she actually looked like a piece of candy. 

Though she spoke Italian to me, I could still understand what she said and reply in Italian as well. Perks that came with the job.

"Hello," I said.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked.

"Yes, actually I am looking for a certain book," I replied.

"Well, what's it called?"

"The Satanic Rituals."

"Ah yes." The woman nodded, a kind smile on her face. "I think I might have it right here somewhere."

She kept talking as she disappeared between all the piles of stuff.

"Oh honey, why would you want such a book though? You look like a sweet girl to me, not like that filthy scum with all their piercings and ugly tattoos. You have such beautiful long hair, just like my niece. You know something homey, look exactly like her. Luckily for you, you are here and not in that awful town of London. My niece lives there and oh my, how the weather in London is horrible! Dear Madonna! Enormous storms ravage the whole city. They have never seen such thunderstorms since 1898! Almost couldn't believe my ears. But I've called my niece and fortunately she is just fine. She goes to college there. She wants to study medicine and become a doctor later. How wonderful is that? I am so proud of her. What do you want to do with your life bella? Are you going to college here in Milan? Oh I can tell you, they have very reputable universities here. Ah, I think I have found the book you were looking for."

She finally stopped talking and reappeared between two dusty bookcases.

"How much does it cost?" I asked when she handed me the book.

"Oh honey, you can have it for free. I've always hated that book. I am glad I can finally get rid of it."

"Thank you, that is very kind of you," I replied politely.

"You are welcome bella. Would you like a drink?" she asked.

"No, thank you Madame. I really should be going home."

"Oh that's a pity. Don't forget you can come by any time you like. Then we could have a cup of coffee. You look a lot like my niece, you know."

"Yes, I will!" I said waving her goodbye.

I left the shop and kept walking until I reached the ally again. A perfect spot to travel.

When I opened my eyes I stood in my apartment, right in the middle of a big mess. All my clothes lay on the ground. The mattress lay upside down next to the kitchen. Food scattered over the ground as well. And worst of all, my laptop was gone. And so were all the files.



Cliffhanger (;

So what do you think of Amy this far? Vote if you liked this chapter please, it'd help us so much! :D

Love Xx. ~

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