The next morning I went into the city. At exactly nine o' clock I stood in front of the library's door, the same time the janitor unlocked it.

I pushed the big glass door open and immediately the smell of books hit me. The library was big; every wall was covered with long bookshelves packed with books. On the left of the big room there was a wooden staircase that led to the second floor. On the right was a wooden desk, where an old woman sat, busy sorting books. I walked towards her, while thinking about how I could best start the conversation leading to my question.

"I'm sorry," I started. "Could I return these books here?"

"Of course," She said with a raspy voice.

I took the books from my backpack and handed them over to her.

"Name?" she asked.

"Amy Adams."

She nodded and added the books to one of the piles, going back to work again. I opened my mouth to ask her something, right when my eye fell on a brown book, a bit bigger than the rest of the books beneath it. The cover showed a golden pentagram, and the title was written in golden characters.

"I'm sorry, but could I maybe borrow this book?" I asked.

She looked up from her work again.

"This one?" She pointed at the book I was looking at and I nodded. "Yes, you can," she said. "What's the number of your membership card?" I gave her the card and she wrote down my membership number, together with my name, on one of her lists.

"Bring it back before Tuesday please," she said while she handed me the book.

"Thank you," I replied.

She ignored me and continued sorting books. I put the book in my backpack and walked towards the exit. Strange I missed that book before. Maybe someone else had been borrowing it? I decided on going to the Starbucks across the street so I could get some coffee and give the book I just got a look. Maybe I could find some other information about it online, too.

When I opened the door I immediately smelled the coffee and cake. Hmm, perhaps I would order some apple pie as well.

As I walked towards the counter I saw Takoda making coffees and call out - terribly spelled - names of people waiting at the counter to pick up their order. I ordered a caramel coffee and a warm apple pie. Takoda was concentrated on his work but when he read my name on the cup he turned around, a smile forming on his face when he saw me.

"Hey Amy!" he said cheerily.

"Hey," I said.

I looked at him while he was making my coffee. He was a slender boy with long black hair falling just over his shoulders and unfortunately, he liked talking to me. Since I had arrived in Kathmandu I had been here quite often. Though I usually didn't talk much, he did enjoy talking to me most of the time. When he was done making my coffee he turned around and handed me my drink.

"Oh, I see you also ordered warm apple pie?" he asked. I nodded.

"Alright, I'll bring it to you in a minute," he said smiling.

"Thanks," I said.

I walked to a table and sat down, taking my new book from my backpack. I skimmed through it while I took little sips of my coffee. It mainly told nothing new. Or.. Wait. What was this? This was something that wasn't in any book I had read so far. Signs that indicate if...."Hey," said a cheery voice. I looked up and saw Takoda standing in front of me.

"Oh, hey," I said. I closed the book and put it in my backpack again, making sure he couldn't make out the cover.

"I didn't want to startle you," he said laughing a bit. "Anyway, here's your apple pie." He gave me a shy smile.

"Oh, it doesn't matter," I replied. "And thanks."

I took a few bites of the pie while I stared outside the window. It was delicious. I've always loved apple pie, especially the smell when it was just out of the oven, still warm and sweet. After a quiet moment he asked, "So, you love reading I see?"

I looked up and frowned. Why was he still here? Didn't he have a job to get to? "Yeah, sure."

"Yeah, me too!" he said. "What were you reading?"

"Nothing special," I replied.

Ugh, when would he finally stop talking? It would probably be better not to come here anymore. I couldn't tell him anything about myself anyway. I needed to stay hidden, to stay invisible. Otherwise I might get caught and the mission would fail, and I couldn't let that happen.

"When will you come again?" he asked. At that moment, my phone rang. I looked at the phone number on the screen.

"Sorry, this is important. I have to take it," I told him.

"No no, that's alright. You take it. I'll see you later."

"Sure, seeya," I said and picked up my backpack and coffee before I rushed outside. Then I answered the phone.

"Have you found new information yet?" I immediately asked.

The phone call had to be brief, as usual. Anybody could be listening in.

"Yes, we have. If our records are correct, the boy will be turning eighteen soon. This will make it easier for you to track him down," the voice said.

"Alright. Maybe the signs will become more clear then." I said.

"Yes. Have you found the book yet?"

"No, somehow it is nowhere to be found."

"Keep looking for it. It is there, somewhere," The voice said.

"Yes, I will. Thank you for the information."

" Yes. Goodbye."


I quickly headed home. Now I had to be observant, looking for things that could give him away. Maybe we could finally track him down. Maybe, we could finally take him.



Hey there!

We hope you liked our first chapter. Here you met Amy. All chapters coming from Amy's POV have been written by Maxine.

So what do you think of it this far? Yay or nay? Let us know! Next week you will meet Luke, whose chapters are written by me, Mirthe, so stay tuned!

See you next time! C:


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