Part 1

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  Among the outsiders, I am alive 

Among the insiders truth deceives 

Life is not what it seems, Only the perception of not knowing 

Knowledge is not gained but remembered

 Knowledge does not save us, but kills us. 

 The voice of knowledge is what chains us here.

 Listening to the ever present whispers of hell. 

 We are kept against our will to fight our way to light

 but the light we find is ever dark, because there is no light. 

 We hold onto the things of the world, but these are chains. 

 There is no emotions, no science, no religion, no life as we know. 

 There is only what is, what we are, and we are not alive. 

We don't belong here. Memories are not real. 

 What is real, is this moment, but this moment is not this moment, 

 But a series of ever elapsing spirals of truths and deceptions. 

 Until our mind can understand this 

we will continue to come to this earth and fight for our freedom from this hell. 

 But no one is fighting. No one is standing up to the senses of life...

 We believe lies, we look away from the truth and our downfall is ourselves. 

 Use the light of this earth to see the dark of where we come from. 

 We are but nothing that we can see, nothing that we can feel.

 What we are, we know, simply because we know.  

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