Chapter Eight: Apple

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Leo POV/
Anger frustration is all I felt that night and the days after. 

Splinter was constantly praying or meditating, almost isolating himself from everyone. He would have minimal conversations with me and Mikey. Donnie and Splinter would discuss routes for Raph's treatment, but that was all. 

 Donnie was on constant watch over Raph. He spent all night and day in that room. I always bring him food, because that's the only way he would eat as he doesn't even leave to get food for himself. He has made a small cot in the floor next to Raph's bed and will sleep there, or attempt to. 

Mikey normally stays in his room reading comics to get his mind off the pain of the situation. Yet, I can tell it is bothering him like the rest of us. He routinly will vist Raph every hour. 

Yet, there leaves me. I am unsure of how or what to do to fix this situation. So it leaves me helpless, and alone. 

On afternoon, I was sitting with a piece of pizza on my plate. The night before, Donnie re-stitiched my hand, as when I had to quickily pick up my katanas as we carried Raph into teh back of the shell raiser, I grabbed the broken katana by the blade slicing my hand. As I am sitting nibbling slowly on the slice of pizza I look up and see the clock. 

" Eleven o'clock. Lunch time. Donnie needs to eat something..." I mumble to myself as I sit down the slice. I grab the knife and cutting board and bowel for the slices and grab the red apple out of the fruit bowel that I have taken responsibility over. Every Monday I go out and get the groceries from April's apartment. I give her the money and list and she gets the supplies. She has visited a few times, but Donnie wants to limit outside exposure due to risk of Raph getting an infection. So her visits are limited to one every two weeks or so.

I begin to start slicing the apple, watching and hearing the sound of the apple being diced and teh sound starts to wrap me, almost encasing me. 

' Peace...'

I thought, yet after a moment, I begin to feel a warm heat coming from my hand. I take a glance down and see red liquid spilling from my hand. 

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