Chapter One, The Normal leader

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It happened the day after we snuck out out of the liar. I originally didn't want to go, but Mikey and Raph pressured me into it. So, unlike myself I agreed. 

I thought it was pointless fun, but fate proved me wrong. 

It was going great until Mikey fell. He got bruises all over his body and like my luck we all messed it up and we all got hurt. Raph got a cut on his cheek, Donnie's bow staff broke and twisted an ankle and I have cuts all over my arms. 

Splinter was so upset he ignored us when we got home, so I know that this morning is when the punishment will be given. 

I slide out of bed slowly, my back tight and achey from last night. I do a few stretches then slowly rise out of my bed, making it right after. I look in the small mirror that was a gift from Splinter a year or two ago. I see my eyes are red from the lack of sleep as I didn't sleep hardly at all as to my fears of this morning and treating to Mikey's wounds. I lift my blue bandanna off the side dresser and by memory tie it around my eyes, it falling into place with little effort. With a quick grab I slip my katannas on my back, the weight immediately on my back. As I turn to grab the door knob, I stop and turn looking at myself in the mirror. Seeing the fatigue in my eyes. Knowing it isn't just from lack of sleep, it's from more than that. Yet, I just can only hope that everyone else only see's the "normal leader." 

As I turn the knob and close the door behind me I hear yelling from the dojo. 

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