Chapter 19

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Picture : Mr. Catron

Chapter 19

Kika grabbed my arm before another tear drop had a chance to fall. He pulled me right to him, until my face was buried in his chest. I couldn’t hold my composure anymore…I just lost my baby sister. What the fuck was I going to do? What the fuck was mom going to do?

I held onto Kika as tight as I could, I didn’t want to lose anybody else. After a moment I pulled back and took a deep breath. Kika looked down at me; he seemed almost as hurt as I was. Kika finally said “…I got the scent of…Mr. Catron. I can go get him…but if you want to stay----”

“NO. I can’t stay here. Go. Let’s go, I need to come” I answered. Kika nodded and grabbed my arm. We ran to his motorcycle and headed towards Mr. Catron. It was a long ride. A ride that seemed endless and rather pointless. I tried to calm down. I needed…I needed this year to start over; I wanted everything to be different…except for meeting Kika. But I guess to meet Kika…all of this had to happen.

It took soo long to finally reach him, that once we finally did I was nervous. At first I planned it out it, how pissed and angry I wanted to be. But that long journey diminished it a lot. Something was different. His hair was longer, I guess all those months of him substituting for us…I didn’t notice the hair growing. I turned to Kika who looked stunned. What was going on? Did Kika just realize something?

I desperately wanted in on this realization. I looked back at Mr. Catron and saw a sly grin grow on his face. What was going on? It wasn’t until Mr. Catron said “you’ve finally realized who I am…brother.” OH WHAT THE FUCK!

So this whole time Mr. Catron has been…Kika’s long lost older brother… Mohkave. What the fuck was going on? What was Mr. Catron… Mohkave…killing all these people? I turned back to Kika; he seemed really angry…and hurt. Kika finally answered “So all this time…where were you?”

“Well the first five years I was actually kidnapped, but once I learned what I was I killed that bastard. I ran away, but I had no clue where my home was anymore. I was pretty sure father wouldn’t want me back as this…monster. So I took my new found abilities to the next level. It started out as killing the wrong, robbers, rapists and so on. But killing got fun…really fun. You get to see all these emotions that you wouldn’t”

“You did that to yourself. Don’t you remember the story? You’re only a monster when you decide to kill. If you had killed the man who kidnapped and told the police it was self defense then they could have brought you home and you’d still be good. Fuck Mohkave, I looked up to you…you were my big fucking brother.”

“Kika…I’m sorry you feel this way. I was going to ask you to join me, but clearly by that outburst I assume you wouldn’t. I have one final ‘murder’ to complete my fill, and she’s standing right beside you”

“You’re not getting your filthy blood stained hands near her”

“Oh no, is it because you…love her. You wanna know something Kika, love makes you weak. It makes you throw away everything for that one person.”

“Well Mohkave, at least I know who I’m fighting for. I’m letting anything happen to her. If you wanna kill one last person…then kill…me” Kika said back. I screamed “No!” He can’t let that happen. I can’t lose anybody else; I don’t want him to die. Kika looked back at me and winked. I desperately hoped that meant he had a plan.

It wasn’t long before Mohkave changed into his skin-walker form…a bobcat. I guess his name spoke the truth. I stepped back and Watched Kika. I never saw him change…I wonder…what animal is he? It started slow and sounded painful. I heard bones cracking and Kika screamed out at the pain. I wanted him to stop; it was hurting him too much.

His ears stretched out and pointed upwards, His clothes ripped off and his skin was now covered in dark fur. Sharp fangs and bright yellow eyes. I knew what he had just become…a wolf. How would a wolf do against a bobcat…I guess this fight would tell me.

Kika POV:

I knew I sensed a strong connection between me and ‘Mr. Catron’, I just never thought it’d be my own brother. And Riley…oh man she must be freaking out, now that she just saw me turn into a wolf. But I hope she’s okay…I’m doing this for her. I have to kill him…he hurt her to many times.

I can’t go easy on him just because he’s my brother…he missed too many years of my life to deserve that title. He lunged for me, his fangs in full view. It was time…to kill this guy. I dodged his attack and jumped for my own, biting his side. He winced in pain as I noticed the blood dripping.

I had to make hurt…just like he made Riley hurt. I ran to him and bit his other side, biting down as hard as I could. I even got the taste of blood in my mouth. It wasn’t good…it wasn’t bad…it was…blank. Only Mohkave didn’t just let this happen, he took his own opportunity to bite me on my side. Fuck! That shit hurt like fuck.

I wanted to stop, I didn’t like fighting…not in Wolf form. He kept coming for me. He jumped on me and I had no choice but to force him under me as I recklessly bit him. His attacks got weaker and that’s when I knew he was losing a lot of blood. I just needed to finish him off.

I had his final blow right there in front of me. But I was smacked in the face with a bunch of flashbacks. All these childhood memories. The best one…

“Mohkave, how come I’m always doing things wrong?”

“Kika, you’re not wrong…you’re learning. The Great Spirit expects all of us to fail the first time we try something, you’re no different. Just keep trying”

“But you’re so good at fishing. Dad is really proud of you when you fish. When I fish I do bad and dad just sends me to help mom.”

“That’s because he knows you’re not good yet, you’ll get there” Mohkave said with a pat on my head.

Mohkave…that was the brother I wanted to remember…not this monster. I glanced over at a very frightened Riley. Should I kill him? He deserved to die…right? He was my brother…but he was also a monster. He hurt the girl I love…but…but…if I let him go…he’s just going to kill more. This I know…I have to kill him.

I saw the glimmer in his eyes, but I knew this had to be done. Please, Great Spirit…look away this time.

I took a bite…right on his neck. I bit into a vein…one that connected to his brain…or maybe his heart. His heart beat began to vanish, and he slowly returned to his human form. I jumped off and changed back. So…I was naked…hmmmm…wonder how Riley feels about that.

Riley POV:

Kika just killed Mohkave. I guess it’s over now. No more murders. And Kika was naked…nice. I mean…I shouldn’t be thinking like that at a time like this. I ran over to his motorcycle and lifted the seat. I found a pair of shorts and ran over to him. His grin was a little too sly; I tossed them at him and waited for him to pull them on.

Once he did I wasted no time running into his arms. I could finally stay calm…right? I heard the ambulance heading in the direction of my house; I guess someone noticed something was wrong. What was I going to do now? My sister was dead. My Best friend was dead. My mom will be destroyed. What will we do now?

Writer's note: Hello readers :) Second last Chapter, hope you liked it :) Keep reading for the sweet ending ;)

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