Chapter 2

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Picture : Kika

*Warning there will be violent content in this chapter

Chapter 2

Carrie drove me home after school. All I could think about was how much Kika was a dickhead. Carrie was going on and on about how sexy he was. I just wanted to get away. “Oh my fucking god, he’s probably the only guy who could look so hot with hair that long. My gosh, I’d so let him do me” Carrie spoke in total bliss. I could tell she really liked him. But…he wasn’t really my type. He was such a dick. I mean I was nice to him, I started a decent conversation. And then I guess, he began to feel like himself and his true colors showed.

Once we stopped in front of my house, I got out of the car closed the door behind me. Carrie was too busy daydreaming about Kika, to hear say ‘bye’ to her like a million times. She finally snapped out of it and smiled as she said “oh man, I can’t wait to see him tomorrow. I’ve got to get him to know my name. I’ll see you later, babe.” I waved as she drove away. I turned as I headed inside the house. My house had two floors, not including the basement or the attic.

We had a pool in the backyard, and my neighbors were mostly old Italians. It was peaceful neighborhood. And maybe that was good on some kind of level, but I was deeply bored. So tired of NOTHING ever happening. It was same old, same old every day. I walked around to the backyard and to the pool. I stripped down to my bra and panties. Then I stepped out onto the diving board and dove into the crystal blue water.

Shivers swam up my spine as I swam deeper and deeper. My arms pushing the flow back, my legs propelling me forward. I loved swimming…it really cleared the mind. A few hours later I was inside finishing up my Math homework. Damn Trigonometry. Eva had barged into my room again, and said “Riley, you gotta help me! My date is tonight! I have no clue what to wear. No clue what to do with my hair.”

“Calm down, Eva. Look I’ll help if you want. When is your date?”

“At 5:30pm.”

“Okay, we have an hour. Let’s get started” I answered. Okay, so I was a total fail in this department. So I called Carrie over and let her help too. Carrie did Eva’s hair, make-up, and outfit. Now that I think about it…I really didn’t do anything. 5:30pm rolled around pretty quickly, Eva’s date rang the doorbell and they were off. He said he’d have her back by 9:00pm, so that was fine.

Mom wouldn’t be home till 11:30pm. Carrie and I hung out till 7:00pm. Carrie had been begging me to use the number Kika wrote on my hand, but I resisted for as long as I could. Once she left I grabbed my phone and hesitated as I tapped each number on my touch screen phone. It rang for a while. I was so tempted to press ‘end call’, but at the last second his semi-deep voice answered. “Hey” he spoke. Shit. I didn’t actually ‘go over’ what I was going to say to him.

Alright, I needed to sound profound and professional. I needed my information for that assignment…so here goes. I took a minute before saying “hi”

“Oh, Riley was it? What happened to not calling?”

“Shut up, look I need to finish that assignment”

“Why should I help?”

“Because…because…because it has to be about you”

“Oh ya, look what if I don’t want to do this shit”



“Then…just help me…okay?”

“…Fine, anyone home?”


“I’ll meet at your house”

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