Chapter 13

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Picture : Kika

Chapter 13


This morning I took a short cut through forest. Recently there have been a lot of dangerous animals seen here. It all started around the time...Kika came here. Though Mr. Catron arrived around the same time. As I walked past the trees and the ravines I saw birds flying. What really rattled my mind was why there were so many vicious animals in town recently. And every killing the police are ALWAYS too late. I just wondered.

I moved branches out of my way as I passed by. I saw a wolf in the distance, but I made sure to stay unnoticed. Once I got to school it was the same old same old. Guys were still chatting about me, and girls still hated me…but I who cared. I walked over to my locker. Kika wasn’t there today. I guess I was relieved about that.

I took out my pencil form my locker and then locked it back up. I headed over to first period Art. Today Mr. Loa wanted us to paint something that mattered to us, something we…cared about. I would paint my sister, but lately she’s just been caught up in her BF.

The next thought that entered my mind was…Kika. But I really didn’t want to paint that. I was pretty sure that every other girl in this class was going to paint him. I thought all period long as Kika’s face was just stuck in my head. Second came after what felt like forever. Ms. Salver was our Biology teacher. Bio Guy was busy death staring Carrie and I.

It was study period and I decided for once to actually study. Carrie was chatting “so Riley what did Kika say to you yesterday?”



“Fine. He was saying how he didn’t like the new me and that he liked the old me”

“Oooooh, so Kika likes you”

“In a ‘friend’ sort of way”

“Oh please. I knew from day one that you liked him. I mean you can say whatever you want, but as your best friend I know that you’re hiding your true feelings.”

“…Carrie…it doesn’t really matter how I feel. I mean he I know he doesn’t feel that way”

“Talk. Talk to him afterschool and then tell what he says okay?”

“Okay…” I answered. I was actually reluctant to actually meet with him after school. But ya, I did need a clear answer. I needed to know how he felt…how I felt. I continued my class work and thought harder about what I would do later.

5:00pm that was the time I told Kika to meet me in the forest. I nervously waited for his arrival as I paced back and forth. What the fuck was I going to say? Should I sound kind and sort of avoid the question? Or maybe I should be frank and get straight to the point. I don’t know…these questions burned inside my mind and Kika was the only antidote.

I sighed hard as I waited for Kika. Maybe he forgot. Maybe he just knew it would be too awkward. Maybe I should just leave and forget about all this. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t forget about this or him because, I had see him every day for the rest of the year. School wouldn’t let me forget him.

I was at a disagreement with myself. I didn’t want to leave here without an answer, but I couldn’t take the anticipation. That was until…Kika walked over to me. Fuck. He remembered. I kept my gaze on the ground and waited for him to reach me. I found the courage to look up at him and his gaze rendered me nervous.

I took a deep breath and said “I need to know something. It’s a month and tons of things have happened. A lot of strange things, and…you were there. But I…I just can’t stop…thinking about…well you.” Kika just kept a steady gaze on me. I desperately wanted him to say something. Anything.

Alright. It was time to ask the serious questions. I spoke “Do think I’m pretty?”

“Not really.”

“Do you even want to be with me…?”


“Do you even like me?”


“Would you cry if I walked away?”

“No…I wouldn’t.”

“Then what the fuck? This whole time-” I had heard enough and I was so hurt...I began to walk away with tears coming to my eyes. I thought he cared…I thought he loved me. Then Kika grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. He said “You’re not pretty....Your beautiful. I don't want to be with you.....I need to be with you forever. I don't like you....I love you. I wouldn't cry if you walked away.....I would die if you walked away. Please stay with me. I need you, Cutie.”

I was too stunned and happy and in total love with him. He bit his lip before he leaned down and let his lips brush mine. It was so sweet. I guess I really have been waiting for this day. This moment could’ve lasted forever and I really wouldn’t have mind. That was until Kika heard something. He said “did you hear that?”


“There’s something…I think you should---” Kika was cut off when my phone began to ring. I checked and it was Carrie. She never called, she only texted. What did that mean? I answered only to hear “Help! There’s somethi---” she was cut off. Fuck. What was going on? I gazed up at Kika with deep fear in my eyes. I said tried to make sense as I spoke “Carrie…something…she’s in danger”

“Okay, you try and go get her. I’ll meet you there” Kika said, before crashing his lips onto mine for what felt like it would be the last time. I ran over to Carrie’s house, I even used the back steps to save time. But the glass on the door was broken and the door was already ajar. I slowly stepped inside totally scared of what I might see.

The room…had dark red blood splattered all over the bright blue walls. I felt the tears tumble down my face…I turned to the side where Carrie’s body lay lifeless. She was drenched in her own blood and her eyes were open with death. I bit my lip to keep from screaming. My best friend…practically my sister. Why! Why the fuck did she have to…die?

I heard a growl from the other side of the room. I turned slowly and focused in on the Mountain lion that had its gaze on me. It had Carrie’s blood on itself, and it seemed hungry for more. There was something VERY familiar about those bright blue eyes. I slowly backed up. Fuck. It pounced and I its fangs sunk into my shoulder. I wasn’t going to out run a fucking lion. I ran for the door, but it beat me to it.

I tried to scream for Kika, but my shoulder hurt too much. It was oozing with blood and I had no clue how to stop it. Shit. Kika where are you. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I took a deep breath and ran for the wall. The lion followed me and then I made a mad dash for the door. I ran down the steps and into the backyard. I ran into the forest screaming out for Kika to come save me.

The blue eyes. Only one person I knew had such bright blue eyes. The very same person who eerily moved here, and took an intern job for my therapist. The same person who decided to become a supply teacher. Mr. Catron. And now that I think back, the hyena had those very same eyes as well as that wolf I saw.

But what did that mean? Pretty soon I ran into someone’s chest. It was Kika. First he looked down at the tears in my eyes and then the bite on my shoulder. But we weren’t safe yet, the Mountain lion was still chasing us. Kika quickly lifted me into his arms and headed to further into the Forest. At this point if Kika didn’t have a back-up plan, we were dead.

He took us to a clearing and I saw a black motorcycle. He put me on first and then got on behind me. Just as the Mountain lion was about to pounce again, Kika turned the handle and we were off. I closed my eyes and tried to not think about what just happened. I was too hurt…too destroyed.

About twenty minutes later Kika stopped in front of his house. He lifted me inside and gently placed me on the couch. Kika’s dad came down stairs and asked “oh boy, what happened?” Kika took a moment, like seeing me so hurt…hurt him too. He looked sad an angry at the same time. He finally answered his dad and said “yee naaldlooshii.” That word seemed familiar. 

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