Chapter 15

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Picture: Kika

Chapter 15

All I wanted was it to be me and Kika. I was tired of this town and all it's standards. I really just wanted to runaway...everything about this town reminded me of Carrie. I cuddled closer to Kika...though I was practically lying on top of and I couldn't possibly get any closer. For some reason I felt cold no matter how much I curled up in the covers. I tossed and turned all night. Once my mind finally lay dormant, it entered a state horror. All that flashed through my mind was images of Carrie's dead body. Drenched in blood, eyes open with death, the expression of fear still frozen on her face. I soon felt a shaking sensation. 

My eyes shot open. My cheeks were wet and Kika was leaning over me. Worry was written all over his face. I was breathing heavily and Kika said "you were...crying in your sleep. Are you, right?"

"...Why ask if you know"

"...I wanted to hear your voice again"

"Sweet" I answered as I jokingly tapped his nose and made him cutely smile. Kika I sighed out hard. I just wanted Mr. Catron dead. And I know it's wrong to wish death upon someone, but I just know he deserved it. Soon after Kika fell back to sleep. Oh how I wish I could fall back to sleep. I tried to sleep all night, but it was hopeless.

By morning I hadn't caught a second of sleep. I felt dead, but I couldn't let my mom think anything was suspicious was happening so Kika and I went school. It seemed like everyone had heard about Carrie. That's all that was passing through the halls. The gossip that beat that story was the fact Kika and I were dating.

Girls were full blown swearing at me. Most thought I wasn't good enough for him. All this talking didn’t help. I just wanted scream out "SHUT UP!", but I didn't have the nerve. Kika just held me closer and smiled slyly. Clearly he didn't give a shit about what people saying. I kept my arms around him and tried to calm down.

If I kept thinking this way I would soon go insane. Once we reached our locker I looked down at my watch and said "we have ten minutes till school starts. Why did you keep saying we were late this morning?"

"Why are you only looking at the time now?"

"Nice come back"

"I know" Kika answered with a devious smile. I sighed out hard as I slammed my locker shut. I leaned my back against my locker and looked up at Kika. I glanced over at his headphones and asked "so what are you listening to now?"

"Here We Go by Sleeping With Sirens"

"Let me hear it" I asked as he took off his headphones and placed them over my ears. In came blasting 'here we go you got one more chance to make it better not lose control before everyone forgets your name. HERE WE GO YOU GOT ONE MORE CHANCE TO MAKE IT BETTER NOT LOSE CONTROLBEFORE EVERYONE FORGETS YOUR NAME. This is your time you better take it ever let go. This your time you better not let go it could be gone before you it...'. Wow. Talk about a good song.

Why does Kika know all the good stuff? My eyes were closed as I rocked out 

to the song that followed. Pretty soon lips fell onto mine. I opened eyes to see Kika's hands pinning me in on either side of me. I closed my eyes and let it happen as I enjoyed the taste of him.

I could hear people criticizing and cursing me, but I let the music drown them out. Once the bell rang Kika walked me to my first period class. The news about us was buzzing faster than I thought. But for some reason I just kept waiting for Carrie to run into class late and tell me about it...but of course...that moment would never EVER come.

Tears wanted to fall and desperately wanted to let them. But I stayed strong and held them in. The class was just chatting...and chatting...I mean even the teacher wasn’t teaching. I kept hearing them saying her name, and I just wanted runaway. Why couldn't I just runaway?

The bell had taken too long to ring, and once it did I ran to the bathroom. I couldn't take another class like that. I stayed hidden a bathroom stall and looked the door. About half of second had passed before anyone entered. The person slowly stepped in and slowly walked closer and closer to my chosen stall. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I was screwed. Watch it be Mr. Catron trying to kill me.

I held my breath waiting for my doom. And just as I thought my door would be ripped off the hinges, there was a knock. I sighed with relief knowing it was just another girl wandering if it was taken. I answered "ou-cupo-do"

"I know it is, just open the door" I heard Kika's voice answer. My nerves shot up and butterflies swarmed in the pit of my stomach. I reached for the lock and stopped midway as I said "what I'm using the toilet?"

"Then I’d want you to open the door faster"


"You know you love me" Kika answered back. I sighed and opened the door. As soon as he was in view be grabbed my hand and pulled me to his lips. The feel of his tongue immediately calmed me down. How did he have the power to that?

Someone started to open the door, so Kika quickly grabbed my hand and we ran back in the stall. He looked it and then put the lid down before sitting down. He motioned for me to come over to him. So I did. Then he pulled me onto his lap.

Now his legs were the only thing visible under the stall door. I was getting lost in Kika's eyes and I still didn't understand the hold he had on me. And at this range our lips were like attracting magnets. After the person left, we still continued and continued. It wasn't until after ten minutes of hard-core making-out that we finally stopped.

Mostly because we both needed to take a breath. Kika's smile was devious as always. He spoke "so...let's talk"

"How about we don't. I mean let's go back to kissing, that was way 


"Awwww, you hate my voice that much"

"No. Your voice is sickly awesome, I just...I don't really wanna talk about anything" I answered as Kika pulled me closer and hugged me.

Lunch passed by faster than I had hoped. Third period rolled around and weirdly Mr. Catron wasn't here. Never heard of having a supply teacher for a supply teacher. This class was pretty stable. I mean nothing interesting happened. All I could do was think about Carrie. No matter how much comfort Kika tried to give mind always returned to the death of Carrie.

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