"He put kale leaves in them? Does it taste good?" questioned Liam, raising his eyebrow when Harry began to whine and turn around to walk towards the door.

"They are freaking delicious, Liam!" exclaimed Harry lividly. "And I cannot believe that I was so stupid! He knew that I would believe him and then make an utter fool of myself!"

"Are you blaming him because kale cupcakes made you do and say things that the Harry I know wouldn't say aloud?" The question made Harry stop opening the door, and he let his hand rest on top of the knob while gnawing at his bottom lip. He knew that what Liam was saying was true and that it was partially himself to blame, but he couldn't help but be frustrated at Louis for bringing out that side of him. "Maybe he was giving you a little push."

"Or maybe he wanted to just prank me."

"So you're telling me that he didn't try to stop the kiss from happening before it actually did?" asked Liam systematically, his gaze making Harry crack under pressure. He knew that Louis tried to stop the kiss from happening, and he remembered how he tried to tell Harry to stop, but he still ended up kissing back- now Harry can't stop thinking about the way Louis' lips felt on his own and it's all so surreal.

And okay, Liam has him there, and Harry does not like admitting when he is right. "I'm going to work now. I'll see you when you get there later."

Liam hummed and sat back down in his seat to continue eating his cereal; rolling his eyes as he watched Harry leave out through the front door, nearly tripping over the first step and dropping his cupcakes all over the ground. "See you later, Harry."


Before Harry walked into the building, he made sure to run his hands through his hair in the rearview mirror for some odd reason, and he really does not know why, but he does have the overwhelming urge to impress more than usual. He gritted his teeth at his reflection and got out of Liam's car, a smile immediately spreading across his face when students began to greet him as they walked in the direction of the school, their expressions bright and cheery.

"Are we having a bake sale today, Mr.Styles?" asked one student curiously when Harry walked through the doors, their inquisitive eyes focused on the box he was carrying.

"Yes, we are. It'll be a dollar for each. They will be sold at lunch." replied Harry, then walking down the hall so that he could go to the teacher's lounge and put them in the refridgerator. When he made it inside, he was met by the company of Luke, Nurse Martinez, and Mr.Urie; who were all sitting at one table while eating frozen yogurt and having a laugh. "Good morning wonderful people. Hello, Luke."

"Ouch, my heart." said Luke bluntly, sticking a spoonful of froyo into his mouth while rolling his eyes. "Hope you're not too upset that I didn't show up last night. I'm sure that Louis already told you why."

How could I forget? thought Harry bitterly as he stuffed the boxes of cupcakes into the fridge, biting his tongue to refrain from saying something unnecesarily rude to Luke, who he knew was only bringing it up in attempt to get Harry angry. "Yes, he did tell me all about the amount of begging you did that night. I'm sure you had fun dealing with that massive hangover too, huh?"

Luke doesn't say anything for the longest time, instead blushing furiously and pushing himself out of his seat, muttering an excuse me before rushing out of the teacher's lounge; leaving his cup of froyo behind. Before Harry could process what he had said, his mouth fell open and he leaned against the counter with his head in his hands. He could not believe that he just put Luke on the spot like that in front of two teachers who were best known for gossip. He felt like an absolute A-Hole.

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