'Great, I think Iyannah and I are blossoming' Paco beamed, rubbing his hands together.

'Talise and I are doing great too, just found out she's expecting' Sike grinned, folding his arms and looking down at Paco as if to say 'beat that'.

'Woah, man, that's awesome!' I chuckled, giving him another one armed hug. 'We're heading down to my Grandfather's-you want to tag along?'

'Oh, how exciting, Grandpa Elliott's house' Paco sarcastically shrieked, waving his hands out in a melo-dramatic way. We burst out laughing just when Alex came down the steps and joined us out on the porch, closing the door behind her. 'Hey, Alex'

'Hey Paco, Sike' Alex panted, she obviously sped down the stairs. 'I'm ready to go'

'You look beautiful' I smiled, taking her hand.

Alex laughed and scoffed a little. 'It's just jeans a shirt and a pair of converses...Aiden' I shrugged, she still looked amazing to me. I lead her down the porch steps and followed the others down the pathway that would lead to my Grandfather's house.

My Grandfather lived deep in the woods, so that he could embrace the wilderness a bit more, he didin't seem scared when it came to sleeping at night. I remember dreading having sleep overs at his house whenever I was a kid because during the night-especially in winter time-the house would make these creepy squeaking sounds and I could've sworn that I heard a ghostly scream too but who would've believed me?-I was leading the way with Alex holding onto my hand, I began to notice that she was slowing down a little bit, she muttered something under her breathe when we had to climbed over another tree stump. 'Isn't there another way to get there, like driving or maybe walking on the main road?' Alex whined, stopping and waving her hands about.

'C'mon Alex, it's not that long to go' Sike assured her, chuckling a little.

'That's what you said ten minutes ago, this is ridiculous!' Alex snapped, letting go og my hand and crossing her arms. 'I'm not going any further..'

'You're joking aren't you?' Paco questioned as he stopped walking to look at Alex, she stuck her chin up and sat down-crossed legged-on the ground. Paco groaned and put his hand to his forehead. 'We could always drag her there, she doesn't need to walk'

'I'm down with that' Luke agreed with Paco, high fiving him. I rolled my eyes at them and crouched down in front of Alex, putting on the most reasonable face that I could put on. 'Don't reason with her, drag her ass' Luke added, groaning a little. Alex stuck her tongue out at him and laid down on the ground her arms still crossed.

'Hey, there...' I smirked at Alex, she turned her head away from me and stuck her chin a little higher. 'I can carry you if you want, just ask...'

'You'd do that for me?' Alex beamed, sitting up and dusting off her shirt. I nodded, holding out my hand, she took it and I pulled her up onto my back. 'I'm not heavy am I?' Alex whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to rise up on my skin.

'N-no' I stammered, fazed by her warm breath that was gently blowing on the nape of my neck. 'Not at all'

We started to walk again and we finally reached at my Grandfather's house, I set Alex on her feet and lead the way up the porch steps. 'Paps?' I called into the house, the front door was left open, he always did that. 'You there?' I called out again, lightly  pushing Alex behind me.

'I'm back here Aiden' My Grandfather's voice echoed from one of the back rooms, I followed the voice to the room, my Grandfather was sitting in his library reading a book that had to be the size of about two dictionaries. The moment we walked in, he put the book aside and stood up and came over to me with his arms wide, I then released Alex's hand and embraced him in a hug. 'How've you been, son?' He added, patting my back when we pulled away.

'I've been great, I see you've stuck to your reading vow' I motioned to the bookshelves that were stacked high with books.

Grandfather chuckled and looked around the room too. 'Yes, I always stick to my vows...and how are you Alex?' Everyone's attention turned to Alex, she was running her fingers along the spines of the books on the shelves as she scanned the titles.

When she noticed her audience she stopped and turned around. 'I've uh...been in the middle, a little bit of both, you know?' She blabbered, fanning her hands about. 'We actually came here for your help,'

'With?' Grandad questioned, shifting his gaze from me to Alex. 'Is there something wrong?'

'Alex is a werewolf, well she thinks she is...' I meant, trying to make sense of it myself. 'We came here to see if you would know anything about Alex's background'

'I don't think, Aiden, I know I am' Alex blurted out, looking at Luke who noticed this and started to shake his head. 'Luke saw me, that's why he was in the woods' The attention shifted from Alex to Luke. 'Luke, tell them what you saw..'

'I don't know what you're talking about Alex..' Luke's voice trailed off as he glanced sheepishly around the room. I sent him a warning glare and he sighed before rolling his eyes and saying 'Alex phased into a wolf,'

'Why didn't you tell me?' I demanded, starting to get annoyed. 'When I asked you were she was you lied to my face and told me she was inside, she wasn't, was she?' Luke shook his head and I continued. 'You're supposed to be my best friend, you should've told me'

'I'm sorry, I thought it would've been better if she told you herself' Luke insisted, throwing an accusing look over at Alex 'Aiden, I'm a lesbian' he mimicked Alex's voice recieving snickers from Paco and Sike 'Really, Alex, really?' Luke finished moving over to the other side of the room. Alex threw him a dirty look before looking over at me, with a hopeful look on her face.

'Thank you for your input, Luke' Grandad chuckled, stroking his beard. 'I don't think it's genetic-the werewolf gene-it probably has something to do with the werewolf blood I gave to her during the time where she was badly hurt'

'You gave her what?' I roared.


I've been bad, I know, I haven't uploaded in ages, well here I am! :3 The next chapter is going to be good and so is the one after that, we're going to have a couple of new characters coming in and Iyannah will be putting in an appearance because I know you've missed her, haven't you?

Comment, vote & fan!-Thanks for reading you guys are just so amazing! :3

To Be Imprinted On...:Tainted Blood [On Hold, Writer's Block]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz