I had to admit, though, that it had become a comfortable routine, playing nice for the media, then, allowing everything to return to normal the second they turned away. Not all times were bad, as Liam and I became closer friends, and the boys were loosening up around me. They had begun to act like themselves around me, and I would even go so far as to think they had finally accepted me as the new member. I was somewhat allowed into their banter, and crazy antics, and even took major roles in some of them. I was suited with this lifestyle for now, as long as things did not get any worse. A gut feeling told me to prepare for things to go horribly wrong, though.


  “Yes, Li?’ I replied, looking into the eyes of the person who felt like my closest friend.

  “Has Zayn been acting a little… uh, strange to you?’ Liam asked, and I saw his kind eyes flit behind me to where Zayn was seated, staring off into space.

  “This is how he was when I first met him,” I answered truthfully. “Besides the few times, he actually jokes around with us.”

 Liam sighed, and dropped the hand that he had been using to play with. “He is usually so loud, and can’t keep his hands off of us because he is always making a new joke. Yea, he was quiet in public, and acted shy, but…” I watched as he ran a hand through his tiny quiff. “Something’s wrong with him.”

 “Have you tried talking to him?” I nudged his shoulder so he would see that Harry had gotten the raven haired boy’s attention and they were now both showering Lux with adoration as they played Peek-a-boo.

  “I can’t.” Liam’s voice sounded strained. “He just brushes it off and returns to normal for a few hours before he just… backs off again. I think he’s doing it on purpose. I don’t think that he’s depressed or anything, but just that he is purposefully getting away from us.” I must have given him a skeptical look because he added, “I’m not crazy.”

 “No,” I said. “But you are caring.” That pulled a weak smile from him, but it was not enough from my friend. “Smile!” I demanded, as I whacked him with a pillow from off the couch.

 “You did not just do that.” He said and grabbed it up from the floor, throwing it right at my face in return. I was quick to jump out of the way, so the flying assailant landed right on the top of little Nialler’s head.

 “Now you two have done it.” He threatened and was up in seconds, pelting us with everything he had in his reach, which included Lux’s blanket, and made Harry scream out in fury at the object being stolen. Soon, the little girl was handed off to Zayn, and Harry had tackled Niall to the floor, giving Liam and I full access to throw pillow’s at his face. Louis joined in also, to protect the little leprechaun, and was now wrestling Liam with everything he had.

  When the door opened, to reveal the actual person who would be doing the interview, apologies for the wait lost in his gaping mouth, he found the green room to be a torrential mess of scattered objects, wrestling teenagers, an upturned couch, and a crying child.

 I dropped the pillow, previously used as a weapon of war, back down on the couch, and flicked my hair over my shoulder. “Nice to meet you,” I smiled and offered my hand.

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