Chapter 1 ~❀~

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Now this story will have count down before the chapter starts, so please don't spam me by asking "Count down for what?" In the comments. Because you'll eventually find out what I've been counting down to later on! So enjoy reading!!

Fifty~One Days Before

I put my long hair in a side braid, and then walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. Once I sat on the bed, I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey you finished unpacking?" My older brother Ian asked while walking into my bedroom.

"Yeah a while ago, I just took a shower and now I'm about to go to bed." I said with a weary sigh.

Our move into this town was pretty exhausting. And my dad was stressed this morning because it was his first day at his new job. He works as a neurosurgeon. He was assistant chief at the hospital back home, but he got transferred here as the chief of neurosurgery.

"I should probably get to bed too. I mean, Vince already bought home some girl from the bar. And he's having sex with her in his bedroom." Ian scoffed while playing with his nails.

"Ugh, I can't believe that you guys are both older than me." I frowned.

"Well we are. Now I'm going to go, I just wanted to check on you since mom is already fast asleep and dad is still at work, he'll probably sleep there for the night." He said while standing up and kissing my temple.

"Why?" I asked softly.

"Why what?" He asked.

"Why does dad sometimes sleep in the hospital? He even did that a lot back home." I said biting my lip.

"Mom and dad aren't getting a divorce Ana. It's just that dad is an excellent doctor and mom knows the consequences that come with him being one." Ian informed me while gripping my shoulder.

"And this is our home now." He adds with a frown.

"But it's just our family doesn't feel happy. We're always tired Ian. And I mean Vince and you should be under a lot of pressure." I said while looking into his blue eyes.

"Mom is only tired because she works as a chef, and has to deal with stupid waiters, and that Vince will be one starting tomorrow." He chuckled.

"I doubt she'll fire him." I said while leaning on my hands from behind me on the bed.

"If he's a horrible employee, she has to let her boss know and then her boss will fire him." Ian stated matter of factly.

"But we should really get to sleep. I have an interview tomorrow and you have some sight seeing. Now if I see you here when I come back, I'll be very disappointed in you missy." Ian said while pointing his index finger towards little ole me.

"Yes dad." I grumbled.

Ian just rolled his eyes and walked out of my bedroom, and shut the door from behind him.

I sighed and turned off my lamp and then got under my covers and laid on my stomach and fell asleep.

Fifty Days Before

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