"What's that?" The shades of green in Michael's eyes were suddenly a whole lot more interesting than the sunset unfolding before them.


Luke could instantly feel his cheeks begin to heat up, his hands finding their way to his face so he could cover his face from Michael. He didn't want the black haired man to see him in a such a mushy, embarrassed state. "Stop." He whined with a small laugh. "You always do these things that make me blush and I hate you for it."

Michael threw his head back in laughter before grabbing a hold of Luke's wrists, trying to tear the blond's hands away from his face but Luke wouldn't budge. "Princess," Michael laughed. "Look at me." Luke shook his head with another laugh, leaning into Michael so he could rest his forehead against his shoulder. Michael gladly let him, instinctively wrapping his arms around Luke's frame.

The two of them were now laughing uncontrollably at nothing specific. Whenever Michael heard Luke's laugh, he laughed too, and whenever Luke heard Michael's, he laughed harder. In a matter of seconds, the moment was gone and both men were just giggly messes. Luke had his face nuzzled into the crook of Michael's neck, the black haired man leaning the side of his face against Luke's, trying to be as close to him as humanly possible in that position. Everything felt good, and because of his something, Michael knew that it'd be okay.

With Luke's arms still wrapped around his neck and with the blond still giggling, Michael took a step. And then another, and then another. Before they knew it, they were dancing to the music of rustling leaves and chirping crickets. They were both looking at their something, Luke at the valley and Michael at Luke, and they knew. It'd be okay.

"There's no music playing." Luke said softly, his words barely audible.

"We don't need music." Michael replied, feeling Luke trying to inch closer and closer. He knew something was upsetting the blond. "We make our own."

"I tried to contact my dad." Luke broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them, head still leaning on Michael's shoulder, eyes closed and heart beating fast. Michael could feel Luke shrink further into him and he could almost feel how heartbroken Luke was. "He's gone."

"What?" The eldest stopped his movements, trying to pull away so that Luke would look at him but the blond was adamant to stay in that position. He didn't want Michael to look into his eyes and see just how hurt he was, he wanted to pretend that was just a normal conversation. He wanted to act like this was no big deal, when in reality, it was.

"I tried calling him last night but it said his number didn't exist anymore. I tried calling my stepmother and it said the same thing, so I called my brother Jack because he was really close to Dad." Luke paused, taking a deep breath before letting it all out in a sigh. Michael was rubbing his back gently and he felt slightly less alone in the world at that moment. "Said my step-mum moved back to Sydney two years ago when Dad left her and changed his phone number and everything without even telling her. They have no idea where he is and no one thought to tell me."

Michael didn't know what to say and Luke didn't expect him to. He didn't want to hear from Michael that he wasn't going anywhere, he didn't want Michael to say he loved Luke simply because he pitied him, he didn't want to hear that Michael would be the man Luke's father never was. He didn't want any of it, he didn't expect any of it. All he wanted was for Michael to be there, to hold him in the way he was already doing and not move. He just needed the reassurance that Michael was there and that he was listening. Luke needed, wanted and hoped for nothing more and nothing less.

"Some things are better left unsaid." Michael finally spoke. Both men were content with that answer.

"They are." Luke nodded, pulling away slightly so that he could look into Michael's green irises before closing the gap between them and pressing their lips together.

The kiss was soft, and Michael was taken by surprise by the action. Their lips touched ever so softly, slowly parting and tongues meeting halfway. They massaged each other slowly, hands travelling down backs and raking through hair in a slow, gentle manner that had Michael's skin begin to burn with desire. He didn't feel like Michael at that moment; he felt happy, he felt cared for, he felt lucky. He felt like he had everything he could want at that moment, everything he lacked in his marriage with Jane was now right in front of him. Michael had his something, and he wanted to never let go of it. Luke was his something.

"Michael?" Luke whispered as he broke the kiss, pulling away only enough so that he could nudge Michael's nose with his own.

"Hm?" The black haired man hummed, eyes closed and smiling softly. Luke's hand gently cupped Michael's cheek, taking his time to analyse his features. He felt ready for what he had spent months fantasising about.

"Take me to the bedroom."


tuesday update as promised !!

i am finally applying for jobs woohoo if any of you guys from oz could give me suggestions of places i should apply to that would be hella awesome

next chapter has smut, you've been warned and hopefully you're excited

this chapter was actually very important to me and i hope it was important to you too and i hope you guys have/find your something <3

love you lots and hope you're all happy and that you've smiled today

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