Chapter 1: "Days Gone Bye"

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(Tony does NOT have a duffel bag.)

Location: Unknown, 11:30 am

"Shit!!!" Tony yelled, hitting the steering wheel as she saw smoke emit from the 11th car she had high wired.

Cautiously, Tony grabbed her daggers and walked around the front of said car, to see if it was anything she could fix with the few tools she had found. Placing her daggers in her belt, she lifted up the lid of the car. Unfortunately, the only thing she got was a face full of smoke when she opened the front.

Inhaling some of it unconsciously, Tony started to cough non-stop. Continuing for a good 30 seconds, Tony let go of the car, earning a loud slam from sudden metal going back into place.

"..........Shit." Tony whispered to herself, grabbing her daggers and looking around her, listening for any byegones (that's what she calls the Zombies/Walkers).

After about 5 minutes of listening, Tony calmed down, but still having her guard up as always. "Better get the rest of the supplies." Tony said aloud to herself.

Returning to the car, she opened the backdoor. There, she swung her bow over her shoulder, along with the arrows in their case. She then hooked her dual hatchets to either side of her belt.

Deciding that it was best to keep her daggers at hand, in case any byegones came up, Tony started to walk down the road. "Let's see what overrun city I got myself into this time." She chuckled out as she walked down the road.

~10 Minute Time Skip~

"'Welcome To King County, Georgia. Hope you enjoy your stay.'" Tony read off the sign in front of her. "Damn, that's how far I got this time?" Tony chuckled again. Pushing back some of her mousy brown hair, she proceeded to walk down the abandoned road. "Certainly is nicer than where I grew up." She muttered under her breath, as if someone would hear her if she didn't.

>2 Hour Time Skip<

Tony heard the growl. Sighing, she turned to see a byegone in the uniform of a soldier limping towards her. "Army." She muttered. Gripping onto her daggers, she started to run at it. Tony drove her left dagger into its neck and, using up a lot of strength, pushed it down onto his knees. "At ease soldier...." She whispered as she drove her right dagger into its skull. Pulling it out, she watched as the byegone fell to the ground and ceased to move. "You don't have to suffer any more than you already have." She said, doing a perfect army salute. Taking one final look at the dead soldier, Tony continued to walk through the abandoned army supplies.

Walking through the supplies, Tony saw something gleam. Following the small reflection of light, Tony found a dead body. Another soldier, with a bullet shot through his head. The gleam shining less, it was revealed to be a black pistol. "Guess you wanted to be used again." Tony chuckled, sliding her daggers onto her belt and taking the pistol. Taking out the mag, it proved to be full. "Guess he was out to early to fight back." Tony interpreted. She proceeded to look through the rest of the soldier's gear to see if anything else could be found.

"Only a half a mag... Good enough since I'm not really one to use loud weapons." She said to herself, standing up and switching out the magazines with one another. She then slid the full one into her back pocket and tucked the gun into her belt.

"What's that?" Tony asked herself as she stood and looked at, what looked to be, an abandoned building. "A hospital?" Tony guessed as she walked to the edge of the small hill, only to be greeted by the thousand upon thousands dead bodies, covered by white sheets. "Guess they really did try to make a stand......" Tony sighed.

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