MNSS ( My Nerdy Step Sibling ) : Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

When I got there, I saw Natsu with HIS vest and tie wearing HIS glasses. We both had a thing for vests and ties and had poor eyesight when it comes to letters.

Somehow though, Natsu's other senses increases inhumanly over the past few years. He said it was genetic.

I sat down next to him and ate my favorite pancake and eggs while he ate 10 stacks of pancakes and 3 plates of bacon straps. He had the belly of a dragon.

We finished our meals and headed to school, it was 7.10 when we arrived. It was way too early because school starts at 7.50 but that's how we like it. Once we came at 7.35 and a lot of people were gossiping and mocking us. We always make sure to come early to avoid this ever happening again and we spend our time at the library, away from everyone else.

We don't have many friends, this is because whenever we approach anyone they would just ignore us and walk away, after 2 years of trying to make friends, we gave up when we entered high school.

It was now 7.50 and the first bell rang, so we headed to our first class of the year. We had all the same classes, this was because our parents ,having a big influence in school, told the principal to do it. They knew we didn't have any friends because they always checks our phones and never saw any other contacts but family individuals.

Our first class, being it was the first day of school, was in our homeroom. I sat in the front seat and Natsu sat next to me. We always ensure that we get the front seats so that we won't have a hard time hearing the teacher.

A few minutes later, the classroom began filling up with students and Mrs. Mavis finally arrived.

" Hello, class! It's so nice to see you again! Now, shall we get started?"

- Skipping cuz I'm a lazy writer when it to classes-

The bell rang to signal that it was lunch time. Almost everyone ran out of the class without saying goodbye to Mrs. Mavis.

Me and Natsu were the last ones to go and said goodbye to Mrs. Mavis.

At the cafeteria, we went to sit on an empty table yo eat our homemade foods. Everytime we walked closer, more student would start to snicker and whisper at us. We were used to it and ignored them.

We sat at the empty table opposite to each other.

" What'cha get for lunch, Luce?"

" Grilled cheese sandwich, yum! What about you?"

" I got a well done steak with mashed potatoes on the sides. They decided to cut my lunch to 10% what were they thinking?! I could starve to death at this rate!!"

I giggled at him, only my step brother would be able to eat a whole steak and still be hungry enough to eat 4 cows whole.Once we finished, we headed to the library to study.

As we were walking towards the library, a large man with a lightning scar and blond hair walked our way.

" Hey Nerdsu!"

" It's Natsu." Natsu said calmly. He was used to Laxus' bullying by now. Atleast he wasn't physical, or he would be seriously last time.

" I don't need you to correct me Nerd!"

" I'm sorry, I was just trying to clear the misunderstanding." Natsu said again, calmly.

" Are you getting tuff with me?!"

Before Natsu could say anything, he grabbed Natsu by his vest and his hand got in a punching stance. I saw that Natsu's right eye was flinching and that meant that his reflexes are going to start. I became scared, not because Natsu was going to get hit, but something worse, the last time this happened, we were expelled. As Laxus' hand was about to move, I heard a girl's voice from behind me.


It was Mirajane, the most popular senior in school AND Laxus' girlfriend. She was approaching us with a dark aura surrounding her. Despite her usually sweet appearance, she was also known as the she-devil, this was because when she is mad, she's like a real devil.

Everyone around us cowered in fear and ran away. I could see from the corner of my eye that Laxus was trembling too. The only one scary enough to stop Laxus, was Mirajane and Erza.

Natsu and I kept our calm faces on when we were actually a little bit scared of her.

" Laxus~~~~ Honey~~~What is the meaning of this~~~?" she asked Laxus with a smile but it was as scary as a demon.

" UUh I'M SO SORRY MIRA ! I WON'T DO IT EVER AGAIN !!" Laxus daid letting go of Natsu and begging on his knees.

Mirajane's expression changed and she turned back to normal.

" That's a good Laxus, now, I am very sorry for my boyfriends behavior, he is a little bit...untrained." she explained making Laxus sound like a new puppy.

" It's alright thanks for helping me Mira-san!" Natsu said smiling his signature smile.

" Thanks for helping my step brother, we really owe you one!" I said with a smile on my face as wide as Natsu's.

Mirajane looked shocked but then recovered quickly.

" Y-your welcome. Are you two those nerd siblings I've hearing a lot about? Natsu and Lucy right?"

" Y-yeah, can you please not call us that? It's really insulting for me and my brother."

" Oh sorry! I didn't mean to insult you guys. Well anyway, sorry for my boyfriend's behavior I'll see you guys around!"

She waved goodbye and dragged Laxus with her like he was her playing doll. I looked at Natsu who then looked at me and we giggled.

" Well atleast there's one person nice to us at school!"

" Yeah, she was even brave enough to scare Laxus! And just in time, I could've knocked him out for 3 months!"

" Oh yeah about that, don't hide it! I saw your eye flinching! You were gonna attack him!!"

" Oh yeah, hehehe.... Sorry it was reflex! You know how strict martial art trainings are! And I go to 10 different ones!"

" Well I went to a lot of shopping malls but you don't see me reflexing to fashionable clothes"

" Whatever let's go to class, we have about 5 minutes left so we can't study at the library now."

" Ok"

A few minutes later, we reached the classroom as the bell rang signaling the start of 5th period.
Yay hope you like this! And I got this idea from the book ' the not so ' nerdy ' nerd' the author is @pupkey and if you ever read this ( I doubt you will ) please tell me if you like it or not. Just so you know, i'm not trying to overthrow Pupkey or anything, their's will always be better. I just wanted to try out something I had in mind when I was reading their book. Anyway Enjoy!!

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