Chapter 21: erwin smith?

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The next morning Levi had slept that well, he wasn't even up yet! Eren was asleep too his leg rapped around Levi's and his hand on Levi's slightly open Tshirt; resting his head on Levi's warm chest with the covers slightly of of them both.

Eren started to wake up his vision went from blurry to clear as the window in Levi's room was letting the light flood in with no hesitation as the widow was spotlessly clean.

His Tshirt was half of off his shoulder, and he sat up and yawned looking down at the sleeping Levi and then at the clock! Levi had over slept and he has over 1 hour late...
Eren got out of his bed as quick as he could he rushed over to Levi's clothes cubed to see if there was any clothes he could throw on just In case someone  happened to walk in and catch Levi sleeping and Eren in half undone clothes. That would be hard to explain....

"Oh damn...." Eren muted to himself because all he could find was Levi's cleaning clothes....he got one out, they was set up all neatly and in order he even had a different one for a different day of the week?!

Eren quickly undid his Tshirt and threw it on the floor.

"Eren?" Levi moaned as he turned over half a sleep and half awake.
Eren started to take the trousers he was wearing off (still no Tshirt on) And put Levi's cleaning trousers on.

Levi stopped moving and his eyes opened his vision blurry to clear he was looking directly at the clock "fuck!" Levi swore as he sat up and rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Eren had got the trousers on and was in the process of grabbing a Tshirt when Levi looked at him gone out.

"Eren?" Levi sighed "why are you wearing my cleaning stuff?"

"Sorry Levi, I just thought if someone walked In the room and saw me half undressed. You know it would be very hard to explain" Eren laughed nervously as he put on the Tshirt and started to button it up.

"Fair know we are late" Levi sighed "now I don't have time to get In the shower"

"Your fine will live without a shower one morning" Eren smiled

"But last night we erm..." Levi coughed stupidly "no nothing happened, you fell to sleep" Eren laughed nervously.

"Oh...sorry about that" Levi smiled "well you slept well so I'm happy about that you didn't cry in your sleep" Eren said sweetly as he walked over to Levi's bed.

"Oh I bet armin could here me, it's shit I used to cry about you eren" Levi admitted as he laid back down and wanted to go back to sleep.

"I never slept well because of your crying, I always wanted to know what made you cry so much! Nearly everyone ignores you and.."   Eren said as looked down at Levi and sat cross legged.

"No they don't! I just ignore them, they can be total dicks sometimes and I could never be arsed" Levi snapped.

"Okay Levi, well I better get going mikasa and armin will be waiting for me, oh and light and ryusaki" Eren laughed

Levi grabbed Eren and pulled him down to him and kissed him roughly.
Eren rested his hands ether side of Levi's head and kissed back too.
"See you in a bit" Levi whispered and Eren smiled and he got of of the bed and out of the door.

Down to his own room to get changed into his uniform.

Isabel was spending the day with hange, as they was all outside saluting hange thought that Isabel could join in so she stood next to mikasa and armin (eren was still getting changed)
"This is fun" Isabel giggled and mikasa glanced down and smiled.
"This is the fun part I suppose" armin smirked "it's not fun killing the Titans though"

"ARMIN! Don't talk about Titans around her it's probably a very sensitive subject at the moment" mikasa raised her voice
"Sorry izzy" armin apologised

"It's fine if anything you guys are my heroes" she smiled

"Talking about Heroes, where's eren?" Mikasa said facing armin
"I don't know to be honest I went into his room to wake him up this morning he wasn't there but don't worry about him so much mikasa" armin connected his hand with mikasa's "you have me now"

(Yes they got together)
"It's funny midget isn't here ether" she snarled
"That midget might be my father one day" Isabel said excitedly
"Not helping" mikasa whispered
"Mikasa, just chill please your okay erens okay so what if Levi's late it doesn't mean he was with eren" armin said as he was starting to thing maybe eren was with him last night.

"Okay okay true"

Hange came down and knelt beside Isabel "how are you finding it solder?"
"VERY GOOD!" Isabel shouted "I should join the scouts for real shouldn't I?"

"Not so fast! The scouts is very dangerous" hange said rubbing the girls hair.

"RIGHT CAPTAIN LEVI IS LATE AGAIN SO I WILL DO THE ASSEMBLY TODAY!" Erwin smith said as he looked pretty pissed off.

Eren jeager turned up shortly afterwards and stood beside hange and Isabel, eren kept looking at her as he remembered the conversation between him and Levi yesterday night about adopting her.

A few hours went by when Levi came along his hair dripping wet.
"Don't tell me you got a shower?" Erwin said pissed off
"That's like telling potato girl not to eat for a day?" Levi laughed "of cause I got a shower"

"Levi your seriously pissing me off lately....yesterday you was late now today! How long is this gonna go on for?" Erwin said his hands on his hips

"I don't know? I've been sleeping well lately, for me that's good Erwin! I haven't slept like that since my mother was around" Levi mumbled

The made them both quiet.

"YES SIR!" Everyone replied

"Y...y..yes sir!" Isabel shouted after everyone else and dos the wrong salute

Eren laughed...and everyone awwed
"Come on isable we should get you out of the way..." Hange said grabbing her hand and walking her away.

"Hey hange!" Eren whispered
"Yes?" She replied
"Could she stay with me for the training?" Eren asked nicely

Hange screw up her face..."sure"

After all he might end up being her father she thought to herself

"HELLO BRAVE SOLDER" Isabel shouted
"Hello princess" Eren said almost like he knew she wanted to be a princess


Mikasa snapped her head round to armin "did you hear that?" She whispered frantically to armin "yes mikasa I did...." Armin moaned as he already knew about Levi and Eren.

"Erwin? Where's light yagami and Ryusaki?" Levi said looking about for them

"I have no idea? They haven't turned up yet" Erwin said plainly

"Look I'm sorry for arriving late?" Levi snapped "you know I did sleep well I swear"

"ITS FINE LEVI! I just find it strange how Eren came out shortly before you....and that happened yesterday too you was walking with each other.

"NO ERWIN....I don't know what your thinking that's not how--" Levi was cut of as Erwin collapsed to the floor

"FUCK!! HANGE!" Levi shouted as he ran to Erwin "I can't tell him I can't he's figured it out the stupid bitch not infront of everyone fuck...agh!" Levi mumbled

But it was too late Erwin had gone.. Everyone was left confused and totally shocked in the audience.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Armin breathed
"Shit!" Eren breathed

"What's wrong?" Isabel wondered a she tugged on erens trousers 

I shouldn't have fallen for youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora