Chapter 1: The Titans Attack Kanto

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Light and L are sat awkwardly next to each other on a boat on the way to shiganshia both lost in the panic of flashbacks....

( lights Flashback!!)
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Light screamed as a beaming eye looked directly at him though his window...
"I've seen a shimigami......but I have never seen anything like this before" he said in frantic horror as the gigantic human like creature raised up its magnificent hand to smash the wall..

But then stopped as it heard a little girl crying for her mother...
The strange beast loved this...and turned and reached down and grabbed the poor girl and squeezed her like she was some sort of waste...

Light watched...
He'd seen people have heart attacks but never had he seen something as horrifying and disturbing as a child getting squeezed to death.

He reached for the death note he disowned and wrote over and over...

Giant human

But every word he wrote never worked...
He was powerless.

He dropped the death note....and ran.
He hid in his wardrobe shaking as he listened for the cries of help...
And said one thing...
"Make it stop! JUST MAKE IT STOP!"

(End of flashback)

Light was weeping his hands fixed to his head as he repeated
"Make it stop make it stop"

L looked at him for a moment....
And then looked down at his empty hands which had no food grasped in them...

He clutched his fists like he was getting though he was trying to stop the thoughts rushing through his head too...

He did for a moment....
But then he couldn't help it... He couldn't stop thinking about it!

(L's flashback)

"We have sorted out the kira mission....I suppose you won't be needing me anymore....." L said as he stuffed his face with biscuits

But every single person sat the table that was working on the kira investigation was silent....
Distant footsteps rumbled in the distance.....

Everyone was looking at L as if he was invisible like he wasn't even there....the footsteps were getting louder and louder

"Eh...How strong are the windows..." One of the scared works asked while pointing to the window just behind L

L looked around as quickly as he could a gigantic smiling human was looking inside the building. It looked strangely distrusting

He let out a squeal of panic and got to his feet and ran...
They all did as the monster prepared to break in....

L got out....but everyone was dead....
Some was squished...from the force of everyone trying to get out others were Titan food....
Though L didn't die or get eaten he was knocked unconscious when the building collapsed....

(End of flashback)

"They killed everyone" L said blackly
"They killed my family...." Light sighed
"You shouldn't have saved me light" L cried not able to make contact and turning away
Light ignored him...

Under lights Tshert he held the deathnote.....just incase

Meanwhile in Shiganshia

"Mikasa" armin called while running up to her "eren apparently didn't clean up well enough...he hat to stay behind"

"Oh I swear captain Levi has OCD with cleaning.....why just eren though?" Mikasa said angrily
"I know...I bet that's another thing captain Levi's obsessed with" armin nudged her playfully

Mikasa laughed and armin joined in

"I heard my name" said a familiar voice
Armin and Mikasa stiffed up straight away
"CAPTAIN LEVI SIR!" They shouted in perfect harmony as they saluted him 

"I said I heard my name..." He repeated
Mikasa nearly laughed

"Find that funny mikasa? Or are you jealous?" Levi said emotionlessly
"No sir...." She said calmly

"Good! And for your information I haven't got OCD and I'm not obsessed with mikasa's boyfriend" Levi said walking of away from them

Mikasa turned red
"Are you alright?" Armin asked shyly
"HE SAID EREN WAS MY BOYFRIEND!!!" She shouted half embarrassed half happy

"More importantly he heard us and wasn't mad....?" Armin said confusingly
"Your not suggesting....." Mikasa said quietly


"I told you to stop talking about me!" Levi said as he landed very close almost uncomfortably close to mikasa

"Ah sorry was Armin sir....."

"Would you mind Finishing the sentence for me armin"
"Why do you think I wasn't mad at you for saying I was obsessed with eren jaeger?"

"I don't know sir...."armin coughed "I was joking Levi...."

Levi smirked slightly and then he flew away

"Hey guys...." Said a voice from behind them....
Mikasa and armin smiled at each other before turning around to face eren....

(Levi never smiles or anything so why did he smirk when he saw eren coming towards his friends.....mikasa and armin have there guesses)

"Enjoy your cleaning?" Armin laughed
"No not really.....hate dust....hate everything to do with cleaning....I don't get it why do we need to clean? Shouldn't we focus on kicking the basted Titans ass?" Eren moaned

"Agreed....." Mikasa agreed

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