Nyo! Philippines x Nyo! England ♥The Love Potion Part 1♥

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I'm sorry! If your hoping the Hong Kong x Philippines one shot. I'm still thinking about it! But this is the first part I of it so please enjoy!

In the Nyotalia world, Philippines is a male in this chapter. We will name him Juan dela Cruz as the personification of the Philippines.

Juan is a brave and a very polite person. Since his life was the same a his female part at the Hetalia world his situation for the female countries were waaaay to crazy over him.

As for the world meeting to the nyotalia countries is Moore noisy than the other world. After the world meeting Juan felt something on his shoulder. He looked at his right shoulder as he saw a flying mint bunny which is color pink.

Juan:"ohh hey Flying mint bunny. Does Alice needed something?"
Flying mint bunny:"of course! She said she wants you to help her clean her Basement."
Juan:"Sure! Just tell her I'll be there"

As then the Flying mint bunny went off.

Time skips

Juan made it to her house. He knock and knock at her door as the door slowly opened.

Alice:"oh! Its you Juan. Please come in."

Juan stepped inside to her house as he sighed a little.

Alice:"My apologies to you if I disturb your work today."
Juan:"u-um i-its okay! After all I didn't have anything to do today."
Alice:"well okay. I'm glad you can help me clean my basement."
Juan:"no problem."

We went to a door which leads to the basement. They went inside then steeped each stair boards.

Alice:"Well the basement that we will clean today is not an ordinary basement."
Juan:"what do you mean?"
Alice:"well I only trust you to so this kind of work but its not very easy to do it."
Juan:"ohh okay."

As they were at the basement he saw another door. Alice unlocked the doorknob as some white smoke went into their faces as they coughed. Juan saw inside the room was full of books and potions.

Juan:"woah! this is so cool!"
Alice:"yes but be careful. If some potions fall into the ground a spell will be cursed on you."
Juan:"okay I promise."

As much as you know Philippines can see magical creature as well as England. But Philippines hasn't have much of experience to magic but Juan or even Maria can talk to those creatures but not from their country.

Time skips brought to you by Philippines and Romano having a tomato and mango fight.

Juan and Alice finally finished their cleaning.

Juan:"phew! We cleaned it"
Alice:"well then. We should rest for a bit. I'll go make some Scones and tea."

While Alice left him in the room Juan started to lurk one of the potions in each shelves.

Juan:"hmm let's see here one of the potions are organize in each shelf. First there were animal changing potion, elemental potion, monster potions. Hmm There were some potions are poisonous and some of them are a cure. I guess Alice has a lot of experience through potions."

But then he saw some pink light in the corner. And then he saw a potion which is very special. It is color pink with a round glass and a cork with a crystal heart on top of it.

Juan:"is that? A love potion? But why would Alice have that kind of potion?"

Just then Alice came and she saw me near at the love potion."

Alice:"what do you think you are doing?"
Juan:"Alice? Why do you have a love potion in your collection?"

This made Alice blush.

Alice:"j-just forget about that!"
Juan:"why? Just tell me the truth!"
Alice:"I'm sorry but I can't allow you to know about it."
Juan:"please...just tell me. I promise I won't be mad at you."

Alice sighed for a moment. But she was quite nervous to tell him the truth of the love potion.

Alice:"well you see, I wanted to know if it works on you. I plan this so I can have a chance to be in love with me. I always felt very jealous when you were with America and the others. And lastly I felt very lonely without you."

Just then Juan felt ashamed of himself. He didn't want some situation like this. Even if he felt guilty he started to grabbed the potion and removed the cork from its bottle.

Alice:"Wait stop! You don't know what it'll might so to you!"
Juan:"I know but now.........I know that you have feelings for me, I can't ignore that. But now I'll just have return he favor."

But then Juan Cautiously drink the whole bottle but then it was empty but suddenly Juan fainted.


Don't worry there's part two!!!

Philippines x World ♥ Our hearts were belong to you ♥[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now