32. Ghosts?: No.

33. Zombies?: Maybe...you never know...

34. Vampires?: No.

35. Werewolves?: I wish.

36. Angels?: Yes.

37. Weeping Angels?: I HOPE NOT!!! *looks over shoulder*

38. TMNTs?: *cries* WHY REALITY?!?!

39. Heaven: Yeah.

40. Love at First Sight?: No. Love is earned.


41. How Many Friends do You Have? (Estimate): Friends? Pretty much everyone. Best friends? Like 10 or 11.

42. Married?: HECK NO!!!

43. If Not, Do You Have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: No

43. If Not, Do You Have a Crush On Anyone?: FINE!!! Yeah, I have a crush on someone.

45. (Crush) Do They Like You Back?: I dunno...I think so...

46. Do You Like to Have Friends That Are Boys, or Friends That Are Girls?: I like both. Mostly tomboys or boys, cause it's less drama. But I am a bit of a drama queen, so I can't say I don't always avoid drama. 😏

47. Do You Have Friends Under/Above Your Age (by at least 5+ years)?: Yeah, like I said, I'm friends with tons of people!

Would You Rather...

48. Drink Pepsi or Coke?: I WOULD COMBINE THEM!!! MUWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

49. Eat Cake or Pizza?: 🤔 Hmmm.... PIZZA!!

50. Watch Barney or Dora The Explorer?: 😳...If I have to choose...DORA!!! ANYTHING BUT BARNEY!!!!

51. Live in the Cold or the Heat?: HEAT!!!

52. Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?: Spring or Fall!!

53. Rain or Thunder/Lightning?: Thunder and Lightning are awesome!! NO RAIN!!! I HATE RAIN MORE THAN A CAT IN A BATHTUB!!!

54. Flats or Heels?: Mom would kill me if if had heels, and flats feel more comfortable, so probably flats.

55. Power to Turn Invisible, or the Power of Read Minds?: Oooo...hmm...probably read minds.

56. Alone and Rich or Poor and With All of Your Friends And Family?: Poor with all of my friends and family, hands down.

57. Fire, Earth, Water, or Air?: Fire!! YOU WILL ALL BBBBUUURRRRNNN!!!!

58. Kill your best friend to save many strangers' lives, or let many strangers die for your friend to live?: WHY CRUEL WORLD?!?! I wouldn't kill anybody!!! I'd take a stand and/or risk myself!! I could never live with the fact that I was the reason someone died.

59. Date someone you hate or hate the one you love?: I can't answer this. No. I just can't. *slaps self* WHY DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS QUESTION?!?!

60. Be stuck in a small, confined place or on top of the tallest building ever known?: I can fit in a car carrier so I would go for the small place. I'm afraid of heights 😅.

Other Facts About Me

61. I'm adopted

62. I don't like know-it-alls

63. I'm 5 feet 5 inches tall

64. I am learning to speak Spanish

65. I have played the clarinet, drums, electric guitar, and I'm currently playing the flute.

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