100 Truths

281 13 108

1. Your name?: NOPE!!! Sorry, I'm saving that for later 😉

2. Your nickname(s)?: Canada, CiCi's Pizza/CiCi, KitKat, Kitty, Kat, and Katty. Username nicknames are Sunday, Smoothie, and Smooth.

3. Eye color?: Grey/sea green/sea blue.

4. Hair color?: Varieties, depending on my mother (yes, you read this correctly). I have brownish-red at the moment, but I am thinking of going black.

5. Female or Male?: Female.

6. How old are you?: 12

7. Birthday?: June Friday 13, 2003.

8. Any siblings?: Yep. One younger brother.

9. Where do you live?: Not get'n this outta me. All I'm saying is that you should look at the picture up top. That's what I wake up to in the mornings.

10. Do Your Have a crush on anybody?: No! *blushes* Stop asking me questions like this!!

Favorite Things

11. Favorite color(s)? (in order from favorite to least favorite):
1. Green
2. Black
3. Blue
4. Red
5. Hot pink
6. Yellow
7. Orange

12. Favorite number(s)?: 7

13. Favorite Song(s)?: Can't pick one. I like them all. But probably King Of Anything, Radioactive or Centuries.

14. Favorite band(s): Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Britt Nicole, Panic! At the Disco, Nightcore, Dubstep, Nightstep, etc. etc.

15. Favorite Food(s) and Drink(s)?: Pizza!! Duh!! As for drinks; sodas, milk, water, apple juice, grape juice, and ginger ale.

16. Favorite Subject in School?: Science.

17. Favorite animal(s)?: Wolves, horses, dogs, cats, big cats, and foxes.

18. Favorite Movie(s)?: Avengers, TMNT (2014 edition), Divergent, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and How to Train Your Dragon (1st and 2nd).

19. Favorite Book(s)?: Oh boy. This is gonna be a LONG list. Okay... The Maze Runner, Four, Divergent, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Legend, Prodigy, Champion, Percy Jackson (1st, 2nd, and 3rd), Harry Potter (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and I'm on the 4th right now), and Bone (all the books).

20. Favorite TV Show(s)?: TMNT (2012 edition), TFP, Ninjago, Phineas & Ferb, and How to Train Your Dragon (Netflix).

Can you Relate?

21. Pen flying across the classroom while the teacher is teaching?: Oh yeah.

22. Laughing so hard everyone stared at you like you were crazy?: Yes yes yes.

23. People notice when your quiet?: YES!!!

24. Anger issues?: Eh. It depends.

25. Being jealous of someone's girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nope. Not that I can recall.

26. Holding a grudge?: I have held one since 3rd grade (I'm in 7th now).

27. Being overly protective?: Depends. Most of the time it's a yes.

28. OCD?: Yes.

29. ADHD?: Yes.

30. Regretting something?: Haven't we all regretted something in life?

Do you Believe in...

31. God/Jesus/Holy Spirit?: Yes, and I'm not afraid to show it. 😊

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