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~___ Pov~
I laughed with Tobi as we walked around the mall the others wanted to watch a movie me and tobi decided tp juts shop while they watched a movie."Tobi-Kohai why didn't you talk to me."he said suprising me his tone completely changed I felt cold sweat on my back if he would take his mask off maybe I would be even less scare."I...I-I don't know!!" I yelled running away he chased me I screamed on the top of my lungs Deidara caught me Tobi ran while flowers and cute stuff seemed to follow him."Dei...He's creepy h-he was nice and all then...*shivers*" I hugged his shoulders "he's evil" I yelled Deidara sweat-dropped patting my head "I...I sadly know.un."he mumbled I smiled pulling him to the merry go round Tobi hoped on me and Deidara smiled evily turning we ran I panted stopping at Hollister "I have never ran so fast" I panted catching my breath he smiled holding my hand we walked around "nene...let's go in here." I Said About to walk in he groaned I pulled him in I tried dresses on.he booed I glared I found a tight black dress that stopped by my knee the others where long covering hmm."dei-san did you-finally!-I'll take that as a yes." I said I put it on.I opened the door.I woah.I stood in shock I pulled my hair in a low ponytail over my shoulder "I look wow" I said he smirked his phone flashed I turned he showed a picture of me.I made a peace sign he took a selfie with me we posed around trying on different clothes.He tried a suit on I held my giggles in.I put a Victorian dress on.I kissed his cheek as he glared ahead.taking a pic we stuck our tongues out.I laughed holding two bags "I've never had so much fun whilst shopping un."he exclaimed I laughed we stopped infront of An angry group we both gulped turning "Ne. Deidara I think I left my debit card we should go get-yeah.un" we both said about to walk away gun shots were heard I turned seeing masked men."There she is ___ [___]" they yelled I was pulled into a chest I shook as pein held my waist the others fired bullets.even Itachi.I was in daze everything was silent.I felt my body get picked up.more gunshots I was brought back by hidan who whispered harshly as they buckled me to a seat.I covered my ears.I felt my hands get pulled I looked up seeing Konan "___ is not that we don't trust you but we have to keep this a secret"she said bandaging my eyes. I felt it soak. "is she..-yes just startled." They talk I picked my hands up bringing them to my ears.I softly sang to myself.I felt at peace closing my eyes I should feel safer now.I whispered.
~Itachi's Pov ~
I couldn't help her calm down 1.they needed me to protect each other and her 2 . They would be suspicious. I let a growl out shooting qnother one Tobi was firing also he didn't mis but The fact that ___ is hving an anxiety attack isn't helping we stood there bored as dead bodies surrounded us . I got in Pein started to bark orders while Kazuko was driving Hidan and Kisame were in the back I turned seeing her shake her blindfold was soaked "___ relax breat-How the fuck am I supposed to relax ypi guys have lied to me to much ypone off you could'vebeen shot even worst killed put tonsleep for crying out loud I...I don't want you all to get hurt..." she whispered I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into me she balled her fist."Please drop me off-we can't -at the airport?" She said I glared ahead~flashback~"Itachi if you ever get into a fight then I will leave japan and go to London with my grandmother" she said smiling at me I nooded ~end~
I patted her head "Pein they have all roads to airports and Her house."said Kisame she picked her head up putting her hands over my shoulder she grabbed my back she Snuggled into me softly I smiled weakly "drive to the hideout" mumbled pein.
~timeskip ~
I carried her placing her in my bed I laid down with her softly she grabbed my cheeks I leaned down kissing her forehead. "ITACHI-SAN PEIN WANT OUR KOHAI IN THE MEETING ROOM.TOBI IS A GOOD BOY FOR TELLING YOU"he yelled if he weren't an uchiha on the top along thenothers I would probably kill him.I pulled her up.I had my clothes on a hoodie almost robe like on.I smiled as her hands looked for me I took it off.Her eyes were bloodshot I kissed her she kissed back.I softly brought her lip up she smiled up at me."Itachi please we can...-I can't-please then promise me this after 2 years we will meet again...and tell the world about us" she said looking into my eyes I grabbed her hands kissing them "We will be engage in two years" I said she blushed madly turning her head I chuckled softly kissing her head."I guess until then My king" she whispered kissing my lips deepening the kiss I wrapped my arms around hers she giggled sadly "Bye my king." She whispered walking away from me I walked infront of her.I smiled "Soon my Queen soon." I whispered she stopped behind me her eyes hardened she looked down.I walked in she walked behind me.I sat down she sat next to konan the meeting went by real fast webhad a yalk about her she just softly closed her eyes."Now ___ your going to Konoha University and are staying in a frat house which one-oh she is building a new one -How do upu know-Oh I ueard her calls-Faggot listening on my buisness for all I know ypu heard her credit card number" they started to fight."All I'm asking you for mento stay silent is to please not get up involved in my life unless necessary" she said standing up.Pein glared at her she crossed her arms "I'm expected as heir to the empire my parents built to not be involved in this type of situations. I am over the neck first my friends,lover-lover-And my Best friend I'm sure not allowing you guys near them so mind me you are all considered my friends nothing will change but I'm not risking a life i just got back together.So as a person with common sense I hope you all live long enough to see the mistakes you are making." She said her voice sharp and Demanding like Her fathers.Deidara slowly smirked "Un." He said she turned around her head slightly tilted down "I need someone to drive me since my car...is in the aorking lot."she said Pein stood up holding a key he walked with her her eyes focused on mines she turned I felt my eyes burn I stood up leaving to my room.I sighed seeing my phone.I saw a video I took of her during practice when we dated in high school.
"___-san come on we will catch you"
"If I think about it I will be scare"
"I'm ready...I think"
"Go.We rule you fools we see...you bleed!We are fast,vast but not those rats!!"
She yelled as they threw her her pompoms moving she smiled her makeup making her more cute.
"Itachi did you see me!"
"Oh...do you want to -___ we have practice saturday morning"
"Cool I'll be there...Itachi have you made a choice in college"
"Huh-you know whic-Why are you interested?-just curious-Let's go I'll drop you off-I thought you were stay-I have homework-oh we can-Senior things-Tony-Look just stay at your hous-I forgot my bag I need to go bye I'll call you when I get home."she said walking away I scowled I pulled her wrist she pulled away from me.I saw as she walked back to the benches.I got in my car driving home it started to rain"She should have listened to me I would go get her but Ai is waiting-*ring*ring*It's her-Hey Itachi I'm home-So-I'll let you be bye"she hanged up .I closed the door to my car the camera still on my sweater.
I was a jerk to her she...god how could she take me back didn't she remembered this.
~your pov ~
I walked out of his car not a word was said.I called Sai he should be able to help."Hey dude!!So I'm building a house and maybe you would like to do the art you know murals in everyones room." I said he shuffled "I guess.Does Ino know-All the girls know your the only boy to know.So tell Ino and she wil yakenyou so you see where everyones room is.-Okay I'm guessing you're helping-og course we have enough time,Let's make a survey fpr the guys so we can make it awesome!!" I siad he laughed "Alright I'm in so are we-I was thinking for the doors their styles and all in the room a picture of them with theirs styles as a background -so basically layers with action and still in the front."he said "yess!!And we can make the doors their hair color....so much brown doors-how about their personality -oh like Dānzo-sensei did when he gave us those desk we literally split them and made art on top mines was so cute-Mines was awesome -you had a lion eating a tiger-tiger memories-those are not child memories " I said he chuckled "oh remember when we went on a field trip and we saw that monkey with a red string we spent two hours looking for the other string.-ino wasn't with us-none of the guys were we joined them after sasuke got another class then he joined us again in 8th grade." I said I heard a soft sigh "Sai are you going to visit Shins grave?" I asked He staid silent "Yes...Are you going-I owe it to him" I whispered "I'll pick you up later bye.-Bye" with tha we both hanged up.I hugged Furry tail as he jumped on me I looked up seeing Sydney she smiled holding a sleeping Annabelle I smiled patting Furry tail he ran back to the Familiy room.I grabbed her "Thank you for agreeing I'll be back for her in two days are you sure-yes no worries just go and enjoy your day off you needed.-who would've taught I would have such beauty-to bad Tony had to give her his personality" I mumbled she just laughed "She's just like him-But way more pretty." I mumbled she chuckled softly her eyes were alive I leaned foward she blushed "Omg you're having another baby!!" I yelled she blushed flinching."I...I am me and Tony wanted two...so I managed to get my hands on one of his you know...-But he-science ___" she ssid I nodded cand he made a donation which was frozen because he knew that I wante dto move-oh yeah how's-good I have to go bye take care" she said leaving I sighed walking to the guest room two twin beds I laid her down softly grabbing a blanket I covered her small body.K saw her bags two suitcases.I weakly smiled Tony she's beautiful isn't she.I felt something warm run down my cheek I smiled lightly kissing her head. I walked towards the closet seeing.Old boxes I grabbed a brown box '___'s Therapy session' so my hunch was right. I pulled I opened it dust *coughing* woah so much dust.*ding*dong* oh sai I grabbed the deer box walking to the door.I clicked open it opened duh.He eyed the box "strange...yes I'll explain just let me call Sister.Summer.-why - I'm babysitting and she can take care of her while we go to Shin's gravezarebtou sure we can...-I don't want her to go there remember she knows Tony's grave is there Nad I don't want her you kn-To go through the shock state" he said I nodded I handed him the box he placed it down.I walked to her room.I wrapped her with the balnket.J walked to the lobby he Smiled "You look Natura as a mom" he said I felt heat I smiled I sighed seeing her face "So why are you taking care off her?"he asked I turned to him "Ai is having another baby-So that means she moved on?-no its Tony's-he's dead-he left you know...and it got frozen so she implanted them oh and she's getting divorced something about him ignoring Annabelle -He should treat her like a daughter -of course -Hey this means theres 3 people in the main branch-I didn't think about it." I said he sighed "What's up with you-not much usual hanging-hanging?" He asked me I stuck my toungue out.I dropped her off waving good bye.as she played with other children.I put the box in the back."So what's in it-Some off my memories-huh?-apperently when I was born it wasn't just me.-So you had a twin-yes she had blond dirty blonde hair.my eyes she was certainly a beauty." I said he shook his head "So what happened to her-well in my dream mom and dad were saying something about her being taken-kidnapped?-no then she wasn't ready yet her soul wasn't ready to come here." I said he tapped the wheel "Oh so she died young?"he said I nodded "so your going to Konoha? " I asked he nodded "Gara andhis siblings aren't they were accepted to other colleges "Temari?-No her dad's paying konoha plus she was accepted for 2 years-oh...Where are Kankaru and gara going "Gare said he was going to Spain-Ole!-Yes Kankaru he's going to Canada-Omg he's so adorable and his polar bear awee-huh-anime sai it's an outaku thing" I said "Like when you started crying when Kakashi-sensai talked about Prussia?" Asked Sai "Hey his diaries are so cute and sad he didn't deserve to have fallen!" I said we laughed as we made it to the lake I changed into a yakata he wore a yukata.I smiled holding a Lantern with small drawings his had a great lion.We even got them in grey.I vowed softly reciting a poem.Sai lit them.I bent down letting it float O saw Sai do the same he finished the poem.I wiped a small amount of tears.Sai placed a hand on my shoulder I turned to him.I weakly smiled."I wish shin was here he would probably push us in." I whispered I sat down on the boardwalk I saw the khoi fish swim around I stood up with Sai's help.We drove to the mall after I explained everything to him.I got in opening it with the key.I sighed he waved goodbye. I closed the door . ducking when I saw Sasuke he stopped by the front.I started to sweat.I saw him pull his phone out.My phone rang I didn't answer "She left it huh?" He said He leaned against it.I texted Naruto ~I need a favor can you call Sasuke oh and ask him to go to your apartment with ramen I'll owe you one.~Sure...why?~I'm in my car and he's waiting for me and...something happened I'm not ready.~oh...Alright" he texted back Sasukes phone rang I peeked seeing him sigh he walked away,I smirked he walked to his car i ducked when he turned.I got my keys.And put them in.With that I drove to naruto's apartment I got off my car.I ran up the stairs.I to my apartment changing I walked out in jeans and a white sweater black high knee boots.platform.I ran up the stairs out of breathe I sat down on Narutos couch with Hinata who smiled I panted laying in her lap she just shook her head "___-san why do you want to make him not see you alone but with the others - it's because during hallows eve he well got drunk and tried to...you know" I saod she frowned Naruto also I waved them off "He was deunk he had no idea..by the way he doesn't know does he?" I asked she nodded He eyed us sighing he turned his tv. On I smirked "Naruto let's watch a scary movie eh?" I asked he shook his head "hinata might get scare" I jumped up grabbing his arms I flex them "Macho man is here" I said referring to his nick name in elementary school. He scratched his neck.I heard the intercome ring.i ran to it "Who is it?" I asked I heard a tch I pressed open.I walked to the door opening it.I felt a pull I laughed inside dying."Sasuke been a while." I stated he eyed me nervousness making its way into my skin and bones."Indeed...how's your summer going -great hey we shpuld plan a beach day." I said he smiled I walked with him we sat down tellibg Naruto our plan as we ate ramen we agreed. "But which one?-we could go to Malibu" I said grabbing another piece of beef.They eyed me"what...oh yeah humm well mikotoand kushina mentioned that they are going to the summer house tomorrow we could go." I said they nodded.I stood up cleaning my plate "___-chan I noticed your apartment is clean-Duh I clean it" I saidto naruto.I sat next to Sasuke he payed attention to the movie every detail pointing out some off the errors.
~Sasukes pov ~
I sighed running a hand through my hair.I grabbed her waist laying in my back I kept watching the movie with Naruto and Hinata who were making out and almost asleep. I ran a hand through her hair it's cherry blossom, lavender and spice.I grabbed the decorative blanket and threw it over us.I allowed myself to sleep.
....Two days later...your pov...
I put on my swimsuit and a pair of sandals with a white kimono vest.I sighed I opened my door only to be pushed back in by and excited Mikoto I sweat-dropped "Itachi's here he brought a friend I need you since your the nicest to share a room with her she well O don't want Itachi to you understand -yes um Hinata-oh she's gonna sleep with Naruto Sasuke has agreed -I guess." I said I waljed out my hair was in a low ponytail with a black pair of glasses.I heard a small gasp I was suddenly grabbed by the hands "Omg it's you-huh?-remember me I offered you a modeling job-oh right But that was...5 years ago." I said she nodded. I saw Itachi emotionlessly look at me.I smiled I pulled away I turne dto the door."Well I'm your roommate" I said Mikoto opened the door pulling her I smiled turning I walked towards the beach.I felt a shatter and teaes try yo make their way out.I walked passed Minato and Faguka as they chatted I sat down in one of the launge chairs.I put my glasses over my eyes. I sat up.Taking teh kimono off and sandals I took my glasses off.I walked to sasuke as he heald a surfboard "Where to..." I asked he smirked "Theres a small shore in the other side,perfect for surfing -Oh let's go I know how to so you know." I said he laugjed I got my stuff.I grabbed a bag of clithes so when we came back.A jean romper woth a red shirt sunscreen incase.My phone a cámara, waterproof flashlight, first aid kit,convers and sock,undies,hair tie the fat obe,hair brush,two towels,snacks, water and Furry tails hedgehog toy.I smiled at Nat's she said she would join us.I waljed to the jeep there were 4 cars 3 jeeps and a white sand buggy "I'll drive." I yelled placing the bag on the back. The surfboards 3 where in the roof "careful okay."said Kushina I nodded Naruto and hinata went to a lovers retreat.Me and Sasuke staid Itachi said he would join us....and Nat's said she would too.I fixed the mirrors furry Tail jumped in sitting behind me Itachi in the middle slowly I reversed with that I drove foward we stopped at a stone path.I drove in me and sasuke talked about the features and all of the beach Nat's was silent so was Itachi."Hey Nat's your a model?" I asked she said yes.I stopped the car.I admired the beauty of the small coast perfect waves.I grabbed my surfboard a Teal one with A khoi fish . Sasuke has on but in red Itachis one is black one with an uchiha crest.I noticed Sasuke had tattoos I grabbed his hand studying his back.I Awwwwwwwwee'd as I saw the Lotus flower with two small fish.I giggled as Furry tail tried to attack the waves.I walked in the water.Me and sasuke talked as we laid in them paddling towards the deeper parts "So sasuke not into dating anymore?c I asked he chuckled softly we both laid there as the waves lifted us and deopped us. I laughed I saw a wave "Go for it-ladies first-children first" I said he smirked I paddled foward I stood up I laughed I heard yells I turned to face them the wave went over me. Woah Tony huh? Remember when you did this once and I asked you howit felt well I now understand why you said you had no words it's wow I said inside my head.I came out the perfect wave.I cheered.I extended my arms blowing kisses.I did a frontflip landing in the water with a splash.I swam up.I saw Furry tail doggy paddle. I sat down on the board "Yo!Sasuke theres another one." I pointed he paddled foward He stood up smirking I smiled as the waves roled behind him.I saw him lift his board up I sat up as he slowly walked backwards I flet my heart stop.When he dissappeared his surf board flew up.I laughed as he grabbed my hand pulling me inder water.I heard a wave go over us.I looked up seeing the rolling.I swam up we both sat on my board as his drifted foward."You're crazy you know...but it was cool" I yelled punchinghis shoulder he grabbed my hands he kissed my hand I laughed "I'm your crazy fool" he said I smiled we both heard a yell we turned seeing Itachi he glared our way.I turned to his girlfriend Sasuke got on his board. I laid on my back.I ran my hand through a ring that Tony had.I know he wore it all the time.It was in a chain my daisy necklace twisted around it.I unclipped it taking teh ring out.I sat up.I paddled foward with sasuke Itachi did the same.I ran my hand over the water.I turned my neck.I paddled foward I smirked as sasuke cursed.I placed my yands I quickly was up.I twisted the board I ran my hand in the wall of teh wave as the top came down I let the ring go "I'm ready Tony I hope you are looking at your family. I turned the board the left I went towards the sand I heard the waves crash down.I smiled . feeling light.I cheered sasule as he went through also.I jumped off the board so did he we landed in teh water.I crossed my arms over the board as Itachi surfed he looked natural almost like a god.i turned to sasuke we both raised an eyebrow at Nat's we saw her tap her wrist . I paddled back to shore realizingthe sunset. I took the camara off the holder. The footage still recording.I stopped it.I took a video of a barking Furry tail as he and sasuke played fetch. I showed Nat's she smiled."I have to change.-I'll stay herecsaid Sasuke I nodded.I grabbed my bag. Changing I walked back I saw Itachi emotionlessly look at me as he and Nat chatted she grabbed his hand he eyed her but staid silent.I threw everything on the bacl as Sasuke tied the boards.i slapped his back.He spun me around I yelped.I turned to a panting Furry tail he held a crab I saw him drop it.I picked it up it pinched me I threw it at sasukes chest he caught it "It's pretty big for a crab from the shore." He said I nodded.I clasped my hands "Hey let's go get seafood so we can cook" yelled Nat's I nodded.We both got in sasuke went shotgun.I turned my camera on recording furry tail I giggled as he barked scaring a sea gull.I handed it to Sasuke he flipped it recording himself "Alright...zsay something nice-why?-cuz it's going to Annabelle-oh-oh yes.-Hey Annabelle How are you well i hope your good....this is weird I'm uncle sasuke-woah buddy-Well I will be...ha...alright your aunt is drivingzHey you my beautiful little girl I hope your alright-Why are you doing this- Annabelle my niece is going into surgery she's getting her first mollar pulled out-Awee procede - That Annabelle was Natalie-Call me aunty Nat.-I guess she's your aunt - I'm going allow you to choose one video for me to send to Bravo I have 10 so far so let's keep it going eh?" I said Sasuke eyed me so did itachi "What I have wante dtontry modeling for a while." I said laughing sasuke smirked I hit brakes stopping as an old man crossed the street I stood up " Watashi wa hijō ni mōshiwakearimasen, watashi o yurushitekudasai." (I'm very sorry please forgive me)I yelled He smiled nodding.I sat down.I turned foward I drove foward. Sasuke turned to me again he turned the camera off.I parked by a market "wow it stinks." Said Nat's I nodded.We walked around we eyed stands I pulled Furry tails leash.We walked I saw him bark I stopped at a stand I felt my hand get grabbed I smiled I turned to sasuke "Hmm...should we get -Shrimp!"we both said I laughed hugging his shoulder I laughed holding my stomach "Remember when that slow song came on and Naruto tripped trying to ask Hinata to dance and all that shrimp flew around-and landed on Karen's Dress she screemed at you-ah memories." I said he nooded We asked for a bag off fresh shrimp, crabs and lobster. "Itachi look dango" I said he looked suprised I asked for a batch.We bouth vegetables Sasuke kept hogging the tomato stand."God damn sasuke we need some tomatoes -I know we need to find you a better reason to yell at me." He said I punched his shoulder he grabbed my waist I slapped his shoulder he hugged my back I studied the tomatoes finding good ones.I got a pound.We heard Nat ahead of us she eyed me and sasuke we both raised an eyebrow she smiled a fake one . "It's fake-true that" I said with sass "Gurl! She all over your grill"said sasuke I snorted we walked back to the car Furry tail tugged his leash I smiled and released him he got in."Sasuke...can we...can we please talk." I said as Itachi got in.He turned to me nodding.I gave him the keys he sat down.we got there he handed me the fish I gave them to Mikoto who said she would do it.I felt a sudden pull."Duck-butt.mph" I pushed him away from me.He grabbed both my hands "Sasuke...this I...I can't I don't want to change anything we are best f-I have loved you since you and Itachi-sasuke I...I just came out of a relati-What?!!with who?-with...youuu" I said trailing off.I wrapped my arms around his chest tears started to build up "just give me time-I guess just...Can I...hey let's get going" he said i nodded I opened it peeking through the hole we got out.I laughed holding to my stomach.I pushed him into the wall "Sasuke where are you dobe" yelled naruto I pushed him tpwards Naruto.

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