New home and friends

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~___ Pov ~ (your 5 brother is 7)

I was sitting in the  private plane with Tony he was reading  and checking his phone every 15 seconds. "Oniisan "I said grabbing his hair "Hmm" he said turning his attention to me cuz I'm amazing  j.k .Or am I "Anthony get your sister in her sit we are landing" said our parents. "Mommy why are we moving "I asked " It's for our job sweetie "said dad "___Your gonna meet  Minato , kushina ,Mikoto and Faguka" said Tony "who are they"I asked "sweetie you don't remember them" Said my mom "oh"I said " Please get reasy for landing "said our pilot

~Time skip after landing ~

We arrived at the stop the limo was waiting for us "Mom will we ever move again " I asked looking at them "No sweetie we are staying to live here we may not always be home but you won't move okay"said mom. "We were driving through konoha . The limo stopped at our home (in screen )."___ and Anthony  get ready we are going out soon" said dad kissing my head and asking the Butlers and Maids to unpack I ran ahead of Anthony and stopped in front of the doors. "___ don't tell me your scare that there might be a ghost " said Tony laughing at me "w-w-well yeah"I said with tears "don't cry I'll save the princess from any danger "he said making poses."come on let's find our rooms " he said going in with our personal butlers I grabbed Sebastian's hand (from black Butler O.m.g if he was I will always ask for help just to see him) he looked at me and smiled I smiled back "Miss ___ your room"he said I looked at my room it was amazing "Thanks  Sebastian "I said hugging him he patted my head and looked at his Pocket Watch  "Miss ___ your parents are waiting " he said walking while holding my hand "Sebastian your like my teddy bear" i said he looked at me with soft eyes and asked "How may I ask am I like your teddy" said Sebastian "Because you take care of me, You have tea ,You play with me and you make me smile"I said showing my white pearls "thank you my lady and your like a kitten" he said (i just love when he's with a cat)"How" I asked "Well your adorable, I can't get enough of your games and smiles ,and you make me smile" he said smiling at me we stopped in front of Tony who smiled and walked to the car."Tony wait for you sister" said Ai his maid I smiled and got on the car with Tony,Mom and Dad sebastian and Ai rode with us and steve drove us to The Uchihas and Uzamaki's were we meet them.

~time skip~                                                                                                                                                                 We arrived at the Uchihas .I got off the car with Sebastian's help tony being tony got off the car before Ai opened the door."Come Miss.___ " said sebastian offering his hand. I gently held on to it when we entered the home."Sebastian and Ai you may return home take the day off " sazid mom."Bye sebastian" I said as I hugged him he patted my head and left with Ai."Welcome Akio old friend" said a blond huh he seems so nice A group of adults came outside and hugged our parents.I kept looking at the spot where Sebastian was usually at.I remember when i turned one my parents hired my own assistant since tony had Ai she would take care of both of us my parents then hired Sebastian so he could take care of me when Ai was with tony. Since then he never left my side unless I was inthe bathroom or taking a bath Malody and Harmony took care of that for me and Tony.And when i went to sleep he goes to his assined room which was anext to mines or near incase I was scared. A hug brought me out of my trance"Gomen" I said quickly apologizing for zoning out "It's okay sweet heart it happens " said a woman around her 30's black hair and another with red hair around her 20's or 30's "I like your hair" I said touching it with my hands her eyes widen she hugged me and spun me around "Your the third person to say that, your so cute I love this girl" she said putting me down i was so dizzy I fell lucky me Tony noticed this."___ this are the people can you guess who's who " he asked making it a game. "Hmmm that's Mikoto-san " i said pointing at the woman with black hair she smiled I pointed at a man with blonde hair "That's Minoto and his wife kushina" I said pointing at the couple I lastly pointed at a man with a serious face he seemed scary "and this is Faguka Uchiha married to Mikoto" I said then I felt Tony glare at me "I thought you said you didn't know them" he said " i learned them while we were in Chicago" I said looking down in shame he looked at me and hugged me "I'm sorry Imouto it's good to study what you don't know" he said I smiled " ___ would you like to meet our children" asked Mikoto I looked at her "Anthony  and ___ be careful" said mother I nodded and tony smiled and followed mikoto"Sasuke is your age __ and Itachi is Anthony's age but you can be friends with both okay" she said with a smile we nooded "Mikoto-san if you may call me tony please" said Anthony "of course call me Oba or Mikoto we are all family" she said Knocking on a door it was opened by a boy with blonde hair that must be Minoto's child "Naruto I'm leaving you with ___ and Tony don't play rough" she said leaving us in a boy's room now I understand why not play to rough.Jk "Hi! I'm Naruto and that's Sasuke and itachi" he said smiling I'm shy around kid's my age so I hid behind Tony and followed him "Well I'm Anthony [___] but call me Tony and the girl scared is ___ my little sister " said Tony "A girl she's gonna turn into a fangirl soon" said the boy named Naruto i got angry just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm gonna be a fangirl  I stopped hiding my face full of anger I cleared my throat and spoke like how dad talks the same seriousness in my voice "Just because i'm a girl does not mean i will follow someone and be obsses with that one person specially if that person is a man No offese Oniisan " I said " well why were man created first" said the the group with a smirk "Well that has nothing to do why we started this arguement in the first place and thers a simply answer to that question simply You need a rough draft  before the final master piece " i said sounding wise Tony hive fived me "that's my sister " he said "children were going to the park come on" I heard Mikoto and kushina say "Tony let's go" I szaid dragging him"Itachi come on we have to catch up" i heard Tony say "___ that was a great comeback" said Itachi "thanks and no offence to you, you seem nice "I said getting down the stairs "Naruto, Sasuke you seem gloomy" said Mikoto "Well mom naruto and sasuke called ___ a soon to be fangirl so  she made a great comeback" said Itachi "And that was..." asked Minato and Faguka "That she will not follow someone specialy if is a man" said naruto and sasuke "that's what got you two" aske Minato and Faguka "No" they said in unison "they said Man were made first" said Tony every grown male seemed proud of themselves including my father "And I simply explained that you need a rough draft before the masterpiece" I said every female high fived each other "Huh males and their big egos" every female said smiling 

~timeskip~                                                                                                                                                                     We were at the park I looked at a girl with pink hair aaaand another with blonde hair "mom can I go meet other people" I asked my mother "hmm okay sweetie careful" said my mom " Akemi (mom's name) she might get in trouble" said mikoto "___ sweetie show faguka your training for us" she said refering to all the style of fighting I learned"okay umm Faguka-san can I " I said pointing at his wrist he merely nodded i grabbed his wrist and flipped him over my shoulder as he landed with a thud  I bowed my head "i'm sorry Faguka-san if I broke something" I said running up to the girls Tony seemed to notice my absence and followed me with the other boys "h-hello I'm ___ [___] I recently moved here and I was wondering if you wanted to play" I said to the two girls who smiled and  said in unison "of course" i smiled "I'm Ino yamanaka and this is Sakura haruno" she said pointing at the pinkit "___ What are you doing" asked Naruto "Socializing with humans worth wasting oxygen on" I said "I like you we are gonna be friends" said sakura "thanks " i said "Great now we caan call th three of you Neapolitan" said Sasuke "why "I asked he pointed at Sakura "strawberry" he said smirking "vanilla" said naruto pointing at  Ino " and we lastly we have chocolate" they said pinting at me (your hair is brown and eyes are blue) "hmm then I guess you and naruto are sunshine in the darkness" I said in a very amuse tone "___  are you going to the Sakura festival" asked Ino "hmm i don't know do you Tony" I asked "Sebastian's and Ai know" he said looking at his phone I snatched it and ran "___ come back I'll break your phone " he said "Don't care I already have the new model " I said Ring-ring "hello who do I have the pleasure to talk to" I said answering his phone"___ hey how are you" I slowed my pace and stop letting the others catch up to you"Umm doing great" you said answering your brothers friend "___ give it back" said Tony"no" i whispered pushing him on the ground with my foot "i will hurt you" he said "I'll break your arm again" i said "___ don't break his arm he won't be able to eat and you will have to feed him" said carlos and logan on the other side "I think that would be his punishment" I said stting on top of him "Oh and say hi to Sydney" i said "no prob" they said I threw his phone and ran"oh god" said Tony "Got It" I said catching it "oh hi Sydney how are you" I asked i put her on speaker "missing my best girl" she said "ahh what about Tony" I said "Show me the meaning of being lonely" she said "never let you go" I said smiling to our song references "I turn to you" she said laughing "Independent women" i said "___ she won't date me if you give her ideas" said Tony "she wasn't gonna either way" I yelled "___ I got to go talk to you okay love you so much" said Sydney,Logan,and Carlos"Bye" i said "___ tell your brother that I will date him when I turn 16" she said "okay I will " I said ending the call "Oh tony" I said handing him his phone "Did she say yes" He said "Nope,but she said when your both 16 then of course" I said smiling at him "yes" he said high fiving me "So sakura, Ino I guess i'll see you in the festival hopefully" i said turning with the boys they waved at us from that day on our friendship grew we meet hinata ,ten-ten ,temari ,Gara who took a while to convince to be your buddy ,Sai, shikamaru who is always sleeping when he comes over ,chouji eats all the snacks ,rock leewho keeps asking sakura out , Neji ,temari and I have also meet Itachis and tonys friends Deidara ,kona who in your opinion was the most coolest ,tobi ,pain ,zetsu,kakuzu who you always pay to help with pay backs from the others when they annoy you ,hidan, kisame, sasori   your friends aren't normal teens they just make the day's interesting and filled with actions you could say your friends take you on adventures and may get you grounded but you don't care they are your friends.

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