My phone started to vibrate the table.
Madeline Kingsley: what are you reading about?
My eyes squinted at the text and I looked up to see Maddy, all smiles, the way she should be. She swayed when she walked to me and her flowwy bright dress followed behind her. Maddy made my eyebrows unlock and brought my lips to curve up as if seeing her could actually change my mood. It wasn't the reason why I smiled, I smiled because it meant I didn't have to sit here like a twit.

She say down at the table, placing her bangle-filled arm and her brightly painted nails. "Hope I didn't make you wait to long." I shook my head and pushed the paper to the side.
"No it's okay, I just got off the train." I stood up and downed my drink until I realized it was scalding still and spat it back into the paper cup. "Fuck," I muttered using my actual voice which I hadn't done since that Day at the water park. I looked up to see her giggling and covering her mouth.
"Here, I'll get water." She didn't hesitate, Maddy grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerated shelf and payed for it and then ran back to me. "You didn't have to do that." I signed after putting my drink down. She shook her head and handed the water to me then picked up my hot chocolate. We walked out to the plat form and got on a train that took us to Marble Arch.

We got off the train a few minutes later and went to a health food store (because it was the closest) and bought sandwiches and soft drinks, I payed because she had saved me from my hot chocolate earlier. We sat outside the shop that had little tables and chairs. As Maddy sat down, her hair dangled onto the table then she collected her blonde locks off the table and sweeper it to the back of her neck gracefully. Maddy was always graceful, she could take a tumble down the steps and still make it look poised.

She pulled the tuna sandwich out of the plastic box and unscrewed the cap of her Ribena. My eyes managed to pry themselves off of her and went to the tree. There was a slight breeze I could tell with the warmish wind on my arms and I saw it as well in the trees and Maddy's hair moved as well. I saw birds beaks moving as they soared above our heads. Then my gaze went on her again.
She began taking a few sips of her beloved black currant juice and then licked the juice off her pink lips. Maddy curled her lips which stretched the V shape at the top. She began to smile coyly and let me see the indentations in her cheeks.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked. Mouthing the words. I smiled and shook my head. "No..." I replied shyly, "I was just wondering, what does wind sound like?" Her eyes widened and she put her hand on her chin.
"Oh," she seemed quite unprepared. "Um."
"Forget it, it's stupid." She shook her head fast and took my hand from my face as I communicated. She put her hands in front of her face, and began to sign. "It's like," she thought and her clear eyes looked at the sky as if for guidance. "It's like the whispering of fairies," she said. I sort of remembered what whispered for sounded like, thought I was hard. "Sorry that was a bad comparison," she said and smiled coyly.

I shook my head.
I looked at her hands, she had gotten so good at signing, it was so clear and she was talented. She had only been signing for about three or four months.
"Your really good at signing," I complimented. Maddy gave off an infectious toothy grin. "thank you."
"How'd you start to learn?" She shrugged her shoulders. "YouTube, from books, and Elizabeth." Elizabeth, she brought a smile to my face. Wonder what she was doing?
"She's a good teacher I suppose," I said with a smile. Maddy nodded slowly with a smile but it disappeared quickly into a disappointed look which I got confused. "What's wrong?" I asked. Her lips tightened.

"Nothing Aaron, Can we just not talk about Elizabeth?" She asked. I nodded, anything to not fight.
Maddy looked down at her phone, she had a phone call coming in. It said it was her mum. It had a phone in the back ground of her mum. The lady had raven black hair and a short noes. Nothing like Maddy's, almost like they could be related.
"Go and answer it," I told her so she did. She didn't talk for very long and put down the phone soon after.

"It was my mum, she wanted to tell me my brother was in town." I squinted. "Does he not live here?"
"No, he lives in Cambridge with his parents." His parents? "You don't have the same parents?" She shook her head.
"We have the same biological parents but not the same adopted parents. We reconnected on my seventh birthday and saw each other for the first time in six years." She smiled sadly. I never thought Maddy was adopted but maybe that's why she looked sad sometimes. Maybe she missed her brother or parents.

"Why were you guys given up for adoption?" Then I realized maybe it was a little personal. "Sorry, if you don't want to tell me, it's fine." She shook her head.
"It's okay," Maddy smiled. "My parents died in a drinking and driving accident with us in the car. And none of our biological family members wanted responsibility of us so we were adopted but it's okay because both my brothers and my family are close. We see each other every Christmas and he comes to see my school plays, violin, piano and dance recitals and concerts." She seemed so positive and happy even though this happened. Maddy must have been super artsy if she dance, played instruments and acted and she must have been out into a good family if they could afford to our her into so many extra curricular activities.

My mum only put me into football but I was happy, I love football.
"Your very artistic then," she nodded and smiled. We both got up from the table because we were finished eating. "What type of dance do you do?" I asked. "Ballet, jazz, street, contemporary and tap." She named and had to look up at the corner of her eye to recall all of them. Jesus Christ! No wonder she's so fit... And by fit I mean muscly, not... attractive... Not that she isn't pretty, she is... Just that's not what I meant.

We got to Hyde park and we found a little play ground, she sat on the swings and I sat on the rubber mat. I took her feet and pushed her back and worth until she tapped my shoulder. I look up and held the back of her calfs so she wouldn't move. Her legs were so soft, just like the day at the water park.
"Do you miss your hearing?" Usually I wouldn't answer this question but she told me a private question. "No..." I said looking off and putting my hand back on her lower leg. "But yes." I couldn't believe I admitted it, as much as I was okay being deaf, I wish I could here some things. I'd love to hear my mothers voice and honestly I'd love to hear Maddy play her music and hear her favourite songs. I'd love to hear wind and hear someone tell me that they loved me.

"You know there is a surgery that can give you hearing, right?" She said, leaning forward. Her hair fell in my face and I took it in my hands and wrapped it in my fingers then put it behind her. "Yeah I know, my mum has suggested it many times," she looked confused to why I hadn't had the surgery. "But I'm okay with who I am, and I'm okay with being deaf. Most of the time, I'm okay but sometimes I miss it."

She looked down at her peach coloured dress. "If you were to get the surgery, what would you want to hear first?" I thought for about 30 seconds and then settled on a answer.
"My own voice," I smirked.

Hey people's!!!! What's going on? Did you like it? Can you tell what's happening to Aaron?
Let me give you a hint 😍😍
Anyway! So I changed my wattpad pick because my friend was bugging me because he was taking photos of me to bug me in class and ended up taking a nice photo of me blinking so now you know what I look like in my school uniform lol and yes I have short hair that just about goes to my shoulders.

Anyway! Hope you liked the chapter, vote and comment for more!!

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