Chapter 1

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Karan's POV

"Yea, I want the deal to be done by tomorrow"

I am under major stress right now, I have to complete this project by tomorrow or else I won't get the full amount of money. Damn.

"But, Sir....." Oh so he thinks he has a choice, how cute.

"No but's, if the deal is not done my tomorrow than you can kiss your god damn job goodbye"

"Y-yes, Sir" That's more like it. I said while smirking with power.

You all are probably thinking, who the hell is this asshole. Well, let me introduce myself, My name is Karan Raj Gandhi. I am the youngest millionaire in the country. I am 24 yrs old, I know, impressive right. I currently live in London, guessing from my name, I am Indian.



"Hey man, its Sameer" Sameer is my best friend, we've known each other ever since birth.

"Hey, whats up?"

"Nothing important, just wanted to let you know that you have to come back to India immediately"

"What the hell, why?" I love my country and all, but I really have a lot of work to do. This better be important.

"I am getting married, thats why, hopefully that should be a good enough reason for you to come"

Well damn. Now I have to come.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, now when is it."

"In like three months" What the hell?

"So why are you telling me NOW?"

"Because you are coming tomorrow, I want you to stay, cause I haven't seen you in like 3 years."

"Ugh, fine I'll be there, Your lucky I care about you"

"Yea, yea whatever"



I end the call and put my phone on my desk.

I haven't seen my family in a while, so this should be interesting, who knows maybe I could meet my special girl.

I tell my PA that I'm going to be leaving to India for Sameer's wedding. I leave my cabin and walk into the elevator. I text my house keeper to pack my things for a couple of months. I leave the elevator and get into my car. My house is like 15 minutes away from my company so its not that bad.

I get out of my black Ferrari, and go into my house, I have a turn to the kitchen to grab some whiskey. I go to my room to call my pilot and tell him to get the private jet ready for tomorrow morning. I guess one of the many perks of being rich is having your own flight, so you don't have to go to the airport and stuff. God I hate waiting.

After talking to the pilot, I go to my bathroom and take a long, hot shower. After doing my nightly routine, I go to bed.

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