"They are cute don't you think?" She asked me as we made our way back up to the shack to find out who we are subbing for.

"Actually," I huff knowing I was defeated. "They were pretty cute." I joined my friend in talking about how attractive they where.

"And there muscles." She laughed with a dreamy look in her face.

"I know! Even though I can probably bench just as much as them I-"

"God Robi! Just because you are super buff doesn't mean I cant gush over them without knowing what they bench or whatever!" She stays to me. I just laugh at her. What can I say?

"Alright Sheran. Who we in for?" I ask my boss who was sitting at her front desk.

"Robi and Becca." She mumbles to herself. "Ah right here. You are subbing for Carter and Dave over at station 41." She hands us the record sheets telling us how the waves where, weather, and all that other fun stuff.

"Thanks Sheran." I thank her before Becca and I once again exited the shack and walked towards station 41. Man it was such a nice day. Great one actually. The wave were getting as high as eight feet. Pretty awesome if you ask me. I've surfed bigger but these were actually pretty decent.

"So how did you know those guys?" I asked Becca after lounging around in the stand for a while.

"I just bumped into them when we were walking. You know my people stalking." She said. "I say you can have Liam and I can have Alex?" She asked me. I just shrugged. Not like anything is gonna happen at all.

"Yeah whatever you say." I laugh. I looked out at the ocean. Better take it all in before I leave tomorrow.

"Oh brighten up. Its not gonna be that bad!" Becca says to me.

"I know. I just don't want to leave."

"I hear ya. But hey we still have the party tonight."

"Yeah the only party I ever look forward too." I laugh.


"Robi! What's good?" Jake comes over to me, drink in his hand arm around a girl. Typical Jake.

"Just got here. I see you have been having fun." I say.

"Obviously! I'm gonna take her to see the rocks." He winks at me. Jake and I have this code. When he asks a girl if they want to see the rocks, that means they are gonna bang. Everyone basically knows that, but he doesn't know they know. So I just keep it a secret.

"Just be safe Jake." I nodded before he walks away from me.

After dancing a bit, and yes I said dancing. It has actually grown on me, this whole dancing at parties things. Actually dancing in general, but that is not the point. After dancing a bit, talking to that Liam kid, who isn't as attractive in personality as I thought I decided to head down near the fire by the ocean.

"Sup guys." I great everyone around the fire. Basically right now it consist of my 'old' lacrosse team, Becca and that dude earlier, and now me!

"Robi came and joined the real party!" Ryan said. "S'more?"

I took the s'more and took next to him. Next think I knew he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"I knew she liked me!" Ryan said crushing me more.

"Cant. Breathe." I fake gasped trying to pry myself from his arms.

"Aw Robi. I'm just gonna miss you! You are never gonna find someone like me at your new fancy school."

"And I hope I don't." I say causing a few laughs from the group. I look ever at Ryans face. "Because you are so irreplaceable!"

"Nice save." Eli said moving closer to me.

"I know I try." I said biting into the s'more Ryan gave me.

I looked around the circle. I cant believe this is the last time I'm gonna be around these people like this again. Next year is gonna be so different I know it. Its so sad I can almost, cry.


I do not cry.

Not gonna happen.

"Robi why so glum?" Tyler asked sticking another marshmallow in the fire.

"Its just weird. Next year is gonna be so different. I mean, there is gonna be another Robi next year. Like on your team. New freshman, a new Cody, all this newness. And no me" I add with a frown.

"Oh come on you will always be our Robi!" Seth cheered.

"You forgot the lax god part." Ryan said.

"I am obvious the best lax god ever." I assured him. "Let no one forget that." I laugh.

"Yeah whatever. Just come back for our senior game." Zach said along with Seth and Ryan who all agreed.

"Or at least graduation." Seth added.

"Oh I'll be home by then don't worry."

"Good. Now lets go night surfing." Ryan said.

"Oh and Tyler."

"What?" he answered me.

"I am the Original Lax Bro."

"And I wont forget it!" He said before we both submerged in the water.

Man I'm gonna miss these guys. Stupid Baxton.


Hi everyone! I changed this teaser up a bit! Hope you all liked it! Once I finish the My Lax Bro Life I will start on this! But yeah. Um just to let everyone who hasnt Read My Lax Bro Life, you might want to as it is a prequel to this book but I dont think it should matter that much. The only characters from MLBL that will be used in this book are Robi, her Father, Charlie, and Possibly Ryan. The other characters will probably be mentioned but not majorly. But yeah...enjoy!!!

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