"Tell me something, what is more precious a pebble on the beach or a pearl in a mollusc?"

Looking confused Aasiya answered, "the pearl, of course"

"Well then my dear sister. In Islam, a girl is like that pearl where she is precious and needs to be protected of her beauty. She is priceless. We need to maintain that modesty and cover up. I know its difficult for you as none of your friends wear the hijab. Just have patience. Inshaa Allah with time your emaan will strengthen."

"I know api. I feel my emaan is going down these days."

"We all go through this. All you have to do is keep praying to Allah and have sabr."

"Even you api, does your emaan go down?" interjected Ayesha. It seemed she was closely listening to the conversation.

I softly laughed. "Of course you silly. Even me. I am a human after all. I make mistakes all the time. And I feel down from time to time."

"I will try to follow your advice api" Aasiya stated.

"Good. Now change your clothes both of you. We are cooking dinner together today."

Aasiya groaned while Ayesha clapped her hands in excitement. "Let's make something other than curry please!!!" she suggested.

"Of course, I have it all planned." I winked and as I headed for the door I said "I am going to the kitchen. Hurry up you two."


An hour later our small kitchenette had a pile of dirty dishes across the counter. Ayesha was busy stirring the beef mince while I was mashing the potatoes. We were making Shepherd's Pie. It had been ages since we made it. As usual, Aasiya had made an excuse of not able to cook. She was sitting at the kitchen table and working on her homework. Reema was watching cartoons. While Ayesha and I were at our last stage of cooking dinner.

"Api, I am nearly done. I think we can just put in the dish and start baking." Ayesha suggested.

"Ok. Why don't you make a salad as well."

"Right" as she went near the fridge to take out the salad contents. She frowned looking at Aasiya. "Excuse me Miss" standing directly in front of Aasiya. She looked up from her book and said, "Yes." With an innocent look

"I think you have relaxed enough. Come on help me out with the salad"

"I...I...You see homework still not done. I really have to complete this algebra sum and I can't seem to understand" Aasiya held up her book.

"Right your upside down algebra sum." Ayesha rolled her eyes. Dismayed, Aasiya looked at her book and turned it around immediately. She sheepishly smiled at Ayesha.

I stifled my laughter and tried to act stern. "Don't worry Ayesha. You finish making the salad. I am sure Aasiya will have no problems washing up all these dishes." Aasiya had the most horrified expression but she was trapped and wasn't able to reply. While Ayesha was sneering loudly.

Once the food was prepared. All four of us had sat on our four seater round kitchen table to eat. Our parents were not able to join us as they were still busy at the takeaway shop downstairs. My sisters continued to be loud and eat. When we neared our dinner Ayesha said, "Api it was so good today to be with you. It seems since you started working with mama and baba you have less and less time for us."

"I know dear. I try my best to come early. But you know mama and Baba need me as well."

"I miss you api. You are like the sun of this house that shines up everything." Aasiya stated.

Finding You (Dublin Sisters #1)Where stories live. Discover now