Where Am I

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Emma POV
My eyes open. I am is a room of some sort. Where am I? I tried to sit up. When I did there were bubbles around me. I AM UNDER WATER! I started to freak out. Then I remembered the fact that I am actually breathing. I tried to remember what happened then I did.
As I was losing consciousness I saw someone in front of me. But she was not human. She was a...a m-mermaid! She waved her arms in front of my face and at that moment I was breathing. She whispered softly, "Everything is going to be okay." She smiled and I closed my eyes.
~End of flashback~
I was saved by a mermaid. She gave me the power to breathe under water. I have to find her. I got out of the bed I was sitting in and started to float to the ceiling. Good thing I am a good swimmer. I swam to the door and opened it. As soon as I did I saw a beauty. There were mermaids and fish everywhere. They were all playing and having fun. They were happy. Some mermaids were playing music that sounded even more beautiful than the music on land.
I realized I was actually looking out a glass window because when I started to walk towards everyone I slammed into the window. Instead of looking through this whole place I decided to call for the mermaid who saved me. "HELLO?! Is anyone there?" Suddenly someone was taking my arms. I looked to my sides and saw two merman in armor holding my arms and taking me somewhere. "Hey what are you doing? Let me go!"
"SILENCE!" The guard on my right said. This is scary. Did I do something wrong?
The guards took me to what looked like a throne room. At the very end of the room there was a large throne chair with a merman sitting in it. The guards led me there. I was standing right in front of who I guess was the king or something. "Bow before royalty!" One of the guards said. I did what he said. "King Blue. This human was found roaming through the halls. What shall we do with her?"
King Blue looked at her. "She may be a spy her to kill us all. She shall be executed right her right now."
"No! Please! I don't want to die!" I cried out!
"No Father!"
I looked to my right and saw the mermaid that saved my life. She has a blue and green tail. "She is innocent!" She is now standing in front of me.
"And how would you know that, Shelly?" The King asked.
At first Shelly hesitated. "I went to the lake. She was going to drown. So I have her the power to breathe and she fainted so I brought her here. She would have died."
"The lake!" King Blue said angrily. "Shelly, you know humans hang out there. Now you have brought a human here."
"She would have died!" Shelly yelled.
"We don't know anything about her. It is because of humans we lost you mother and brothers!"
"Then let's find out more about her!" Shelly said. She looked to me and smiled, "Tell us about yourself."
"Umm. My name is Emma Griffin, I am 13 years old. My bus crashed on the way to a field trip and I saved everyone but myself. I am REALLY hoping you won't kill me. And I have loved mermaids since forever." I was hoping that was enough to show I am innocent.
"How would you know about mer-people?" The King asked.
"I have been reading stories about them all my life. And watching shows on them."
"Is the human world stalking us!?"
"Look. I just want to get home to my family. Everyone is probably worried sick."
King Blue laughed. Then he finally said, "Oh your not going home. This is you new home."
"WHAT!" Shelly and I said at the same time.
A/N: Hey guys. Sorry again for cliff hanger. But I will update as soon as I can. Please vote and comment on what you think. I know it's not a lot but I already have 17 views. Thank you guys. I would like to throw a shout out to jelsaforever0479 . Thank you so much for being an awesome best friend. Remember to read her stories of you haven't already! BUH BYE! ASHLEY OUT!

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