All i saw around me was Niall, trees, bushes, trees and bushes again. No houses, no people, no civilization.

Kendall's p.o.v

I called Hailey milion times.
I am going crazy! I really hope they are safe.

We met Zayn, Soph and Liam on the beach again.

"So what will we do now?" i asked others.

Niall's p.o.v

I was few steps behing Hailey.
She looks so tired.
This is all my fault. I shoud never take her here. Ohh god Niall you are an idiot!!!

I put my arm around her neck. She looked at me and she said "I am happy that i am not here alone!"

"Yeah me too" I added while we were watching how the sun is drowning behind the hills.

I put my phone out of my pocket.
"I have signal, but i have just one row."

I called Harry.


"Niall, wh..e a.e ..u??" he said

"Harry? I can't hear you!"

"Ni...? Ca. .u. hea. .e?" he said.

"Harry, harrrry!!" i yelled in the phone.

I lost the signal.

"Noo, nooo, fuuuuuck!" I threw my phone on the ground.

Hailey came up to me, she hugged me and she said "shhh it's okay Niall!"

Our foreheads and noses were touching. I whisper "Hailey you make me strong!!"

She smiled at me.
This is what i wanted all day! To see her beautiful smile.

Her hands was so cold. Her eyes didn't sparkle like usuall, her eyes was scared!

"You are here because of me! I ruin your birthday and I am really sorry!" i said.

"Don't say that, everything will be okay!!" she said.

Kendall's p.o.v

We were upset! Niall just called, but we lost him again! It's getting darker and darker, we need to find them before the night!

"So what's the plan lads?" asked Sophia.

"Firs we need to chill a little!" said Louis.

"Zayn do you have a map in your car?" asked Harry.

"Yes, I think so!" he responded and bring a map.

"Where are they!??" said Zayn.

Harry put his finger on a map and he said "This road is going down the hill and then in the forest, where...?"

Liam cut him off "Where Niall used to walk his dog!?!"

"Yeah, they should be there!!" Zayn said.

"Let's go" said Harry.
We were in the car again.
It was almost a night.
We need to find them as fast as possible, because Hailey is afraid of dark!!

Hailey's p.o.v

"Niall give me your hand!!" i said
"Why?" he said.

"Give me your hand, because I am afraid of darkness!!" I grabbed his hand.

"Really? Since when?" he asked curiously.

"Since I was little!" I responded.

"Maybe you really are scared of darkness and you really need my hand or this is just another excuse to kiss me?!?!!" said Niall jokingly.

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