Chapter 5:: Old friends and New

Start from the beginning

:: Orion are you alright?:: I asked

" Hmmm" he asked looking at me " oh um yes I am fine" he replied, Man he's a bad liar. now to press the subject till I get the truth.

:: what do you think he was talking about?:: I asked

" I do not know young one " he replied sadly.

:: Do you think that Megatron would really lie to you?:: I asked.

" I" he vented heavily" .... no longer know. I wish to believe that he would not, but in my spark I know something is amiss" he replied with a slight hint of anguish in his voice. He had a kicked puppy expression on his faceplates he looked so sad. This will not do Operation cheer Orion up comense execute phase one.

:: Well, then I guess there's only one thing to do. ::

" And what would that be?" he asked optic ridge raised.

:: Well ,asking him is out of the question so we'll have to uncover this deception on our own. It will be like an episode of Scooby Doo except we do not have a talking dog or the mystery machine, but I think aliens are a one up and I bet one of the Vehicons wouldn't mind a few Orange flowers::

" And how do you purpose we do that?" he asked amusement in his voice.

::Easy we get some orange paint , paint some flowers  and  then see what kind of information we can get on this Optimus Prime guy.:: 

" I see" he said trying not to laugh. "and how will we do that when I have my research and you have school?"

:: I'll  do what I can while I'm not at school, and as for you, until we learn more take your time on your research if it turns out that Megsy is the bad guy the last thing we want to do is provide him with what ever it is these coordinates lead to:: he nodded in understanding a smirk on his face probably imagining one of the Vehicons with Orange flowers.Yes, it is working.

" It is a solution though temporary" he replied regaining a serious look" but it is the only option we have but I am unsure about these flowers" I smiled it was. working.  yeah a purple and Orange Vehicon probably not the best color combination but it would have been funny all the same.   I sat there wondering what the mystery Machine would look like as a Cybertronian I wonder would it sound like Shaggy, Fred, Scooby, or what?  I thought about this for a while until my mind wandered back to Lord Megatron from whom we were due a visit from anytime now, come to think of it every time something happens he shows up to check on us.

:: So, how long till he comes to check on us?:: I asked as the door started to open.

" It would appear that he is already here."  replied Orion.

" Orion?" asked Lord Megatron as he walked into the room. Orion turned around to face him as he came in. " I am so sorry for the recent commotion. You weren't in anyway harmed were you?" asked Lord Megatron.

" No, Lord Megatron" replied Orion " but why did you tell me Starscream was dead?"

" Because he is dead to our cause!" retorted Megatron as he turned his back on Orion. " Starscream was my most trusted Lieutenant until he turned traitor and joined the Autobots" he looked over his shoulder and turned back to face Orion. "Never before have I witnessed a more profound act of deceit." he paused for a moment then continued  "He did not do or say anything troubling to you ?" asked Lord Megatron.

" No." replied Orion.

" Good perhaps it's best to forget the entire incident and return to your project" stated Lord Megatron as he walked to ward the door.

" As you wish my lord" replied Orion as Megatron walked out and the door closed.

:: Well isn't he a little ray full of Sunshine:: Orion turned back to the terminal looked at me and shook his head a slight smirk on his face.

" I do not believe Lord Megatron and a 'little ray of sunshine' as you put it have much  in common young one" replied Orion amusement clear in his voice.

:: yeah I guess your right he's more like a shark with a tooth ache:: his smirk widened a little at my remark and he shook his head again. I smiled at this operation cheer Orion up was complete. Maybe not all the way complete but at least the big guy was lightening up a little bit this was definitely  better than the silent brooding he was doing earlier. I have to wonder though what is it that Megatron is hiding from Orion whatever it is it's big that for sure. I was drawn from my thoughts by a flashing on the HUD in my glasses it was the clock. I looked at the clock  and sighed it was 12:30 in the morning. I sighed sadly.

" Annabeth is something wrong?" asked Orion.

:: No, I just know I need to get some sleep but I don't want to:: I replied

" I see. I suppose you should rest before you must go to school tomorrow" he replied

:: Yeah, I know :: I replied as I went over to my bag and dug out my pillow and blanket and Orion picked me up and set me on his Berth.

" Annabeth?" he asked 

:: Yeah?:: I asked looking up at him.

"Are you going to watch the sunrise again in the morning?" he asked.

:: I plan on it why?:: I asked

" Would you mind if I joined you?" he asked and  I smiled I knew he was trying to cheer me up and it worked Orion really was a good friend.

:: Of course you can come wouldn't have it any other way:: I replied and he smiled and nodded

" Goodnight Annabeth" he said as he turned and went  back to the terminal. 

:: Goodnight Orion :: I replied as I laid my pillow down on the berth and laid down wraped in  my blanket and went to sleep.


  ( Authors note:: and done I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who voted and commented on the last chapter. As usual I do not own Transformers Prime or the Orion Pax story arc all credit on that account goes to Hasbro nor do I own Scooby doo and he belongs to Warner Bros studios. I would like to ask you all to point out any grammar errors, spelling or other wise and I would like to ask you guys to point out Ocish tendencies so that I may fix them. If anyone has tips for how to do fight scenes and how to do Jack, Miko, and Raf and the rest of the autobots that would be great. A special thanks to Pumpkincat for all the help, Dragon Ninja my Rp buddy, VictoriaTooley,  SaigeLakeman, and the rest of you guys here on Wattpad you guys are awesome. PS.I really shouldn't watch cartoons while I write XD  God bless.  )

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