Chapter 2

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Roxy feels tired, her mouth hurting from all the smiling and posing at cameras. Her premiere had finished at last. First she heads to the cloakroom to get s very large bundle bag. She heads to the bathroom with her very large bag constantly looking around checking if anyone is watching her. The coast looks definitely clear as she runs to the bathroom and shuts the door away from prying eyes.
She looks in the bag and finds her other clothes and quickly she gets changed into comfy clothing like a T-shirt and jacket with Jeans.

She puts her beautiful dress foodies carefully in her bag and zips it up. She leaves the bathroom and heads for the car lot where at the back of the car lot she finds her car
She gets in her car and heads to her house.
Unknown her the journalist photographer dude Lucas was following her on a peddle type bike.
He had be riding the bike for 30 minutes clearly out of breath when finally he sees her stop and get out of her car. She was just about to open her door when Lucas runs to her breathing wildly out of breath.

"What the heck are you doing here?, Are you stalking me or something?."

He gestures to her to give him a second. "No.. Nothing like that I just followed you for 30 minutes from the premiere to talk to you.."

Roxy scoffs "So you admit it?.."
Lucas grins "Maybe a little bit.."

Roxy groans "Pervert.. I could call the police on you..this is harassment!".

She opens her door and starts to close the door when Lucas puts his foot in front of the door.
"Wait I'm not like that and I can prove it."
She opens the door and smirks "Oh Really?.. And how do you propose to do that?."
He grins back at her. "Not me.. More like We.."
She looks confused "What are you talking about?."
Lucas sighs "Look my job is really on the line here so what I propose is this, You and me date for a month and if I prove I'm not the sleazy stalker type guy then you have to give me an interview."

Roxy nods understanding. "And if I say no.."
He looks at her. "Then you make one very sad man unemployed unable to support his family."

She looks at him seriously.. "Do you have kids?."

He shakes his head.

She looks him in the eye. "Is all your family in jobs financially stable?."

He nods yes in reply. She grins "In that case then I don't have to do it.. My conscience is clear."

He groans. "But that's not the point is it?.. It's the principle that counts.."

She sighs "How about you give me 24 hours to think about it.."

He nods happily.. "That's fair I'd better be off then..". He hands her a card with his name and number on it.

She smiles at him "Good night." And she closes her door for the night.

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