Chapter ten

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They both stand looking at each other in silence and Lucas awkwardly gives her the flower he was holding.

Roxy sniffs them and puts them in a glass vase. "Thanks..I guess."

Roxy stood tapping her foot on the floor waiting for an explanation. "Well?."

Lucas sighs "I've told you the truth from the beginning Roxy.. My job was really on the line."

She rolls her eyes at him. "But. I sense a But here."

He smiles "I quit my job last night because I realised how hurt you was and how much I hurt you but more to the point.. I realised how much I love you and I can't live my life without you."

She frowns "Is that it?.."

He nodded "What else can I say?... I screwed up massively I know but I'd really appreciate it if you give me another chance Roxy."

She looks at his pleading face begging her to take him back. "I.. I don't know."

He blinks "You don't know?.. What if I got down on my knees.. Would you take me back?."

She shrugs "Maybe.."

He got down on his knees "Roxy I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and I swear I will never ever hurt you again."

She bites her lip. "I need time to think.."

He nodded "Of course.. Take as much time as you need.. Call me whenever okay?."

She nods and helps see him out of the building. She shuts the door behind him and sinks down to the floor.

She gets out her phone and dials a familiar number.
"Elizabeth it's me."

"Hey you okay?."

Roxy sighs "Honestly.. I don't know know."

"Come on .. Tell your best friend everything."

Roxy begins to break down uncontrollably. "You was right Elizabeth he was only with me for a stupid newspaper article.. I told him I would when I was ready but he was gonna go ahead and publish anything that I've already told him anyway."

"Aww honey.. I didn't want to be right.. You know that don't you?."

"I know.. He's blaming it on his boss giving him pressure and we had a row.. I told he he should've chose me over his  job and thought about my feelings and then all of a sudden he's like Oh.. Okay then I'll quit my job and choose you but I wanted him to do it because he wanted to not because I asked him to.. You know what I mean?."

Elizabeth sighs "I know.. Honey I understand but you know what men are like.. They don't know what's good for them unless it hit them in the face and that's why they fall apart without us."

Roxy laughs at the comment. "He was round earlier.. Begging me back and says he's binned his job and basically he's hopelessly in love with me."

Elizabeth whistles "Wow.. He sounds keen.. Are you going to take him back."

Roxy sighs wiping her tears. "Well that's the thing.. This is why I called you.. I'm not sure I should but at the same time if you saw his face you'd wouldn't be able to say no either."

Elizabeth sighs "Well I didn't see his face so I can't comment on that part but you need to do what's right for you honey.. I don't want to see you get hurt, I want you to be happy."

Roxy laughs nervously " I know but that's the snag of it all.. I'm scared I'm going to be hurt again, He says he won't but you know.. You never know what happens in the future do you?."

Elizabeth grins "No you don't... Anyway I gotta go but I'm here for you whenever."

"Thanks bestie.. I love you Bye!."

Bye Roxy Hun!."

Roxy hangs up the phone and walks up the stairs to bed. Today was one of those days where she wanted to hide under the duvet for a while.

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