Chapter 3

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Roxy shuts the door with the card of his number in her hand. She walks into her living room and slumps down on a red sofa. She stares at the number and sighs wondering what to do.

She eventually sits up and places the card on the desk next to her where her phone sits. She picks up the receiver and dials a phone number.

On the other end of the phone a female voice answers. "Hello?."

"Elizabeth it's me Roxy." Elizabeth gasps in reply. "Roxy how are you?, you never call and you never write unless of course you have something juicy for me huh?..". Suddenly it dawns on her. "You have something juicy otherwise you wouldn't have called." Roxy groans "That's not true... I would've called at some point I'm just busy I guess.."

Elizabeth breathes loudly in excitement "So what do you have for me?"
She laughs at her friend. "Well I had a visit from a very cute Journalist."

Elizabeth squeals "Oh my gosh he asked you out didn't he?."

Roxy sighs "It's not as simple as that, he asked me for an interview and I said no but apparently his job is on the line so he made a deal with me.."

"What kind of deal?. "Elizabeth asks curiously.

Roxy chuckles in slight embarrassment of the whole situation. "He wants to prove He's not the pervert or stalker I think he is and that he's a nice guy so he made a deal where I go out with him for a month then I give him the interview."

"Roxy sweetie.. What is it are you so afraid of?."
Roxy acts dumbly "What do you mean?." 

Elizabeth tuts "Honey you know exactly what I mean.."

"Nope.. Still not catching on to what your saying".

Elizabeth sighs irrationally "You would have given him the interview if you wanted rid of him but you didn't because there's something holding you back."

Roxy snorts "How do you figure that one out?, I have no interest in the guy at all.

Elizabeth groans "What's his name?."
Roxy picks up the card "Lucas McKenzie, he is a photographer and Journalist."

Elizabeth grabs her computer and types in his name into a Google search engine. "Got him.. Wow, you didn't tell me he was hot.."

Roxy grins "I said cute not hot.."

Elizabeth laughs "Who cares.. How can you say no to this guy.. I mean look at his eyes they are mesmerising."

Roxy takes a deep breath. "So you actually think I should do it.. This is crazy right?."

Elizabeth agrees "It is but this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity.. When would you ever meet a guy.."

Roxy rolls her eyes. "I'm not intending to be single forever.. I'm just focusing on my career first.."

Elizabeth chuckles "Honestly honey just do it.. What have you got to lose?.. I gotta go laters honey!."

Roxy smiles "Bye nice talking to you." She puts the phone down.

She thought to herself "What have I got to lose.. She's right."

She picks up the phone and his number on the card and dials his number. "I'll do it."

Lucas laughs "Good, I'll pick you up in the morning nice and early". He puts the phone down and replaces the receiver.

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