Chapter 5

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"Well here we are.." Lucas taps Roxy awake. She groans groggily "Where are we?."
He grins "Take a look for yourself.."
She sits up and looks around at her surroundings. "A fun fair for a first date?!..Wow I gotta say this is a first."

Lucas laughs "Well I do like to surprise."
He gets out the car and walks to the passenger side. "After you madam."

She holds at her hand and he takes it. "Why thank you kind sir.."

He closes the door behind her and locks the car. She shivers "I'm not sure I'm dressed appropriately for this.."

He grins "Nonsense.. Your fine." He wraps his jacket around her."So what are we going on first?".

Roxy looks at him shocked "You mean we are actually going on those death traps in this freezing weather?".

He nods laughing. "Yup.. If your not going to choose the first ride I'm choosing for you."

She raises her eyebrow feeling in a daring mood. "Alright then Go ahead but I warn you if you pick one in going to hate.. You will not live to tell the tale".

He takes her hand laughing. "Alright we shall see about that then.. Close your eyes."

She hesitates a moment. He rubs her arm assuringly. "Trust me." Roxy takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

He takes her through the exit of a particular ride. They walk down the steps hand in hand whilst Roxy's eyes were closed and Lucas steps on a circular moving floor. Just in front of him was a log. He steps towards it and helps her in.
"Okay turn around and sit down with your legs open."

"Wait what did you just say?!.. With my legs open oh my god!." He laughs "Just do it." He places her hands on the bars to hold on as she sits down.

"Can I open them yet?." He leans toward her ears. "Not until I tell you too okay?." She nods nervously.

They set off down a stream and as they turn a corner they bump into something.

"Wait what was that?".
He touches her hair. "Everything's fine just keep your eyes closed.
The bump was a conveyer belt. It lifts the log higher and higher until suddenly they are at the top and the stream becomes faster.

They turn around a corner where there is a waterfall on both sides of them and cameras.
He grins "Now you can open your eyes."

She opens her eyes and gasps. "Oh my god.. I do hate you right now.

Water hits both of them as the camera flashes. As quickly as they had gotten wet the ride was over.

He helps her out of the log and takes her to the cashier desk where photos are produced.
He looks around for their photo and laughs uncontrollably. "Not a bad photo of you.. I'm so buying this."

She looks at him with evil daggers. "You dare and I will make your life hell."
They walk away from the photo desk. "Okay what now?."

She looks at him "Don't even think about any ideas of getting on another ride."

He raises his hands in the air. "Hey the thought hadn't even entered my head until you mentioned that.."

They walk past a restaurant. "As much as I'd like to humiliate you all over again.. I actually have a better idea."

He takes her hand and takes her into the restaurant where a waiter takes them to their table.

She smiles happily. "This is better.. I'll be in the ladies freshening up."
She gets out of her seat and heads to the ladies. She finds a hand dryer and dries her Dress and her hair as best she could.
Roxy then checks herself over in the mirror and then heads back to their table.

He smiles at her "Feeling better?."
She smiles back "Much.. No thanks to you."
He laughs "I can only apologise but when the opportunity shows itself you gotta do it... We will laugh about this one day."

She grins "How about now?."
They laugh so loudly they start disturbing other diners. Other people looked into their direction.
Lucas looks at them "Sorry everyone we will try and keep it down."

They order their food and soon the dinners have been eaten. Lucas checks his watch. "Well time to go home.."

He whistles the waiter for the check and takes her back to the car where they drive to her place.

They stand in her doorway together. "Thanks for tonight.. I had fun."
He grins "Are you sure me getting you wet hasn't put you off me unintentionally?

She folds her arms and grins. "I haven't even said I like you yet.."
They both say good night to each other and she closes her door as he leaves.

Falling for betrayal ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora