1| Welcome to Ouran Academy

Start from the beginning

The irritation only grew further. You already did that, money flaunting bastards...

The sensei threw his hand over to an empty desk, and with a flick of his other wrist, beckoned me over. "You'll be sitting here, Sohma."

Without any arguments, despite how bad I wanted to wring the necks of all these idiots, I sat at my seat, letting my back slide off my shoulder and onto the ground. After that, everyone went back, paying attention to the sensei as the lesson continued. Unlike the majority of the students in the classroom who openly showed their distaste in the lesson by not paying attention at all, I became thoroughly engrossed in the teachings. Compared to those all-girl schools, Ouran seemed to be exactly what I needed. Despite being forced to come here, these lessons were more primitive than anything I've experienced before. All those other schools were too easy for me, this actually seemed like I would have a good time learning and have challenges with work criteria. Maybe this opportunity wouldn't be so bad?

Despite how much I found myself lured into the lessons that went by, classes seemed to still take millions of hours before the day finally came to a close. Again I found myself lost, wandering throughout the school to pass time as after-school activities went on. Of course I could have always gone back to Shigure's house and started on tonight's assignments, but it still felt really awkward at his house. Sure he was family, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that they were just putting up with me. After all, no one cares about those in the zodiac anyways...

"Hey, Aiko."

Haruhi came walking down the hallway, carrying a textbook at her side. I could only assume she was going to a club activity.

"Ano, hi, Fujioka. Where are you heading?" I asked as she stopped in front of me, probably wondering the same thing.

She shifted her textbook again and forced a smile on her face. Her eyes glazed over from the sun in the windows. "Oh, just to the Host Club." She spat the name out like it was evil, or at the very least obnoxious. "It's more than I can chew on some days though... Oh, so that reminds me. Since you're new here and all, does that mean you don't know what club you're interested in, or are you more-likely to go home after hours?"

I shrugged, sliding my bag into the bend of my elbow. "Not sure... I figured I'd stay, see what this school had to offer, but now I feel like it's just false hope."

Her humorless laugh almost left the feeling continue to grow. She pointed to a door in the distance with a sign above that read Music Room 3. "That's where the Host Club is. If you want you can come for the day until you figure out your niche for clubs. I'm sure Tamaki-senpai wouldn't mind."

Relaxing in a host club? What was a host club anyways? "I guess it couldn't hurt. Not like there's anything better to do anyways."

And that was true. Being in a club just for now to consume the time I didn't want to use to be at Shigure's (who I found out was hosting more than just Yuki-kun), might help me cope with the situation at hand. It's not like I was going to stay there long anyway- this was just till I found another club or decided that all the clubs were a waste of time and decide to stay home after school hours.

Haruhi mumbled incoherent words, and her eyes went blank after she opened the doors to her club. Greeting us was a blinding white light and rose petals. I covered my eyes and waited for the light to go away.

"Welcome!" Chorused a group of voices.

Oh God... Please, anything but this. Haruhi, I changed my mind! I'm going home!

Cursed Fruit and The Host Club  [OHSHC/ Fruits Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now