"Hello Leland," Vanessa attempted to say coolly into the phone.

"Vanessa." His tone was quick, business-like.

She stiffened for a moment before continuing. "I can't really talk that long I have dinner plans." That should teach him. She thought.

What dinner plans? Liz wondered.

"I won't keep you. I wanted to inform you that you left your purse at my place."

"Oh? I'm surprised you haven't called me sooner." She lifted a corner of her lips as if it was only a matter of time before he'd be begging her to come back.

Clingy much? Liz amused.

"I only just found it."

"Oh," the disappointment evident in her voice. Maybe he won't beg after all.

Uh oh. A disappointed Miss Vaughn meant hell for Liz.

"I will have my butler bring it to you on Monday."


What's on Monday? Did Liz really just think that in a jealous tone?

"He's already gone for the weekend."

"Well I can't wait that long. I'll just pop over." She willed him to take the bait.

Liz moved to the island and attacked it with vigor. Pop over?

"No. You can't." Suddenly his voice was stern.

"Why not?" She sounded whinier than intended.

"I'm currently out of town. You will have it back by Monday."

"Where have you gone? Will you be back soon? I could come over tomorrow."

Boy she's sounding desperate.  Liz mused.

"No. I told you Monday. Do you want your purse or not?" Now he was irritated.

"Of course I want my purse back."

Wait, is her purse at his house? That bitch practically blamed me for stealing it and she left it at his place? Then she realized that meant that Miss Vaughn had spent time at Leland's house, with Leland, and most likely in his bedroom. Suddenly she was feeling very queasy.

"Then you'll get it Monday," he nearly snapped.

"But..." Click. The conversation was over.

Liz could tell something was very wrong by the dark expression on Miss Vaughn's face. She was standing too rigid and was too quiet. Suddenly she looked at Liz who was staring at her. "Get back to work or get out!" She yelled.

Liz jumped back to her work. She couldn't afford to get fired, no matter how much she hated the way her boss was treating her.

Vanessa paced from the living room, down the hall, into her bedroom and back. She stopped to glare at her maid. Who the hell does he think he is? Vanessa thought. I give him the best of me and he thinks he can just treat me this way? He can't hold my personal property hostage. I've done nothing wrong. He's the one who threw me out like a two-bit whore. It's his fault I left my purse there. He's treating me as if I did that on purpose.

She stomped into the kitchen, making Liz back up in surprise. Vanessa was going to get the upper hand no matter what, but she wasn't the type to get her hands dirty. That's what she had servants for. "Maria, I want this apartment spotless before you go home tonight. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss." Of course she understood, she spoke English.

"Also, I need you to run an errand for me after your shift is over." Was she serious? "You will go to Mr. Moore's house and get my purse. I left it in his bedroom, I think."

What? "Um..."

"Is there a problem?"

Did he ask for me? Liz wanted to ask, but instead said, "Will he be expecting me?"

Vanessa hesitated, "He's out-of-town. He gave me his key code for such occasions." Well, sort of gave it to me. She thought. He entered it in front of me. Close enough.

Liz gulped. If she had his key-code then that meant they were serious. She only managed a nod before Miss Vaughn rattled off the numbers. She scrambled to write them on a sticky note. Her hands trembled slightly. Get a hold of yourself. He's her boyfriend. Remember that.


Ba-da-dummmm!   Okay that was a poorly typed description of ominous sounding music ;-P

I know this is a short chapter, but the next one is longer & I didn't want to combine them into one seriously long chapter.  It didn't feel right.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this.  I appreciate all your votes and comments.

Keep on keepin' on - Nikki Hudak

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