What We're All Going to Feel

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Let's face it, there are going to be many times that we're going to cry. There are going to be many times when we are going to get angry. But, those times should be the ones we should rarely think about.

The moments when we smile, laugh, and love, those are the times we want to remember the most.

We're all going to feel angry or sad many times in our life, but it's better for laughter to outweigh tears. It's better to smile at someone for five seconds than to scream at someone for two minutes.

When we get mad at something unreasonable for 60 seconds, we waste 60 seconds of our life... and we're never going to get those 60 seconds back.

The days that we enjoy and the days when we're happy, those days were never wasted. They will keep coming until we stop living.

The part of life that's dark and depressing is there for a reason. It's there because we need to know how it feels to be sad, how it feels when we are about to give up. They're there because we need to feel how loved we are by the people who love us.

I realized that when my friends held me tight while I cried. I realized how caring they were when they saw me.

I realized that "I was not lost, but home."

It's surprising what bad days make us feel.


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