What Happened

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  So what motivated me to write this   was that this week has been one of the worst weeks of my life.

   I'm not trying to start this out as a really depressing, the whole point of me writing this is to tell you about what happens in life and what makes it livable. You can skip over this part if you want, but I would recommend not to.


Okay. Worst week. Well, worst three days.

   Someone really important in my life left. Someone so amazing and wonderful that I really can't describe her with words. No one can really put their feelings into words anyway. She was a part of my family and she left without saying anything. Without saying good-bye. You might think that was mean of her to do, but she did it to protect herself.

   And you could guess, I was a wreck. I cried. A lot. The people who were close to her cried. It was either you were crying, or you were quiet.

   But here's the thing, she was our teacher. My best friends and I were her students. When she quit her job, we held each other and wept together. No one was alone. No one is ever alone. But it's hard to move on when someone so close to your heart leaves.

If you're sad and you feel absolutely lost and abandoned, guess what?

I'm here for you. You can talk to me, message me anytime (does that sound creepy?).

If you have friends, call them, text them, talk to them. They're here. They're there for you.

God's here. He's always with you, you just have to talk to him, to pray to him.

 Even if the whole world seems like it's ignoring you, I'm still here.

He's still here, take my word for it.


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