What I Did

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  Before I go on, I would like to say that you, reader, are stronger that you think. God has a plan for you and bad days are part of it. Bad days help us get better in living life. They help us get better in our faith with Him. Life isn't always walking forward, sometimes we take steps back...and that's okay.


  It is so easy to say you're okay when you're not. Hiding is easier than telling the truth. I've done it, and right after I said it, I started crying.

  This week. These three days. I kept saying I was okay and people didn't believe me. They didn't leave me alone, and I felt bad because I made them sad too. As I look back, I'm grateful that they stayed with me. I'm grateful that my friends and teachers, who are my family, held me while I cried. I'm writing this on the fourth day, and my heart still hurts from missing her. My head hurts from crying so much.

  What I'm trying to say is; don't do that. Don't say you're okay when you're not. Don't say you're fine when you're not, because "that's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."

  Yes I just John Green quoted you. Ha. I will probably be doing that all throughout this story. Ha. Ha. Ha.

  But it's true though. It demands for you to feel it. Physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain. Every type of pain.

  Before we were told that she had resigned, I thought that day was going to go well. I thought it would be another school day where we would see her at break, and she would sit at our table and talk with us. Laugh with us.

But, no. Life took a turn that I didn't expect, and she left.

  I barely said any words that day. At break, we sat together, my friends and I. We felt the pain. I hated going to her classroom with all her stuff still there, except her. Her decorations were still there, her pictures with us were still there.

  But as I said before, bad days are part of life. Bad days are a part of the plan. We don't have to know what that plan is, we just have to get through the bad days. We have to hold the people that are still with us, never letting go.

If one leaves, that's okay. It happens.

  But don't let that make you loosen your grip on the people who are still there. Tell them you're hurting, tell them what you feel. They will hug you. They will try to understand. They will be there for you.

Don't push them away.

Don't let go of them.


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