"Thanks." He grins, his boyish smile gracing his face again and I try not to stare for too long. All the boats magically bunch together and Hagrid guides us across the lake, the stars lighting the sky and drawing attention to the marvellous castle. I gasped as I stared at the large building — Hogwarts was very beautiful. We soon reach shore and hop out only to have a tour led by a stern-looking Scottish woman. She is thin and tall, her complexion very pale and her brunette hair pulled back tightly into a neat bun that sat at the base of her neck. A pair of neat spectacles sat on the end of her nose as she peers at all of the first years, who nervously shuffled around. She looked wise and sported robes and a witch's hat. She's very serious, but her aura glowed a brilliant shade of green and yellow.

"Hello First Years, my name is Professor Minerva McGonagall and I'm the head teacher for Gryffindor. We'll be having our sorting ceremony soon-" The professor is interrupted by a small yet loud voice.

"Trevor!" Neville proceeds to grab his pet at the professor's feet. A pale boy and his two friends snicker. The snickering boy's sharp eyes caught mine and he smirks, raising one eyebrow. I scoff and roll my eyes, turning my attention back to Professor McGonagall. She regains her composure and continues her informational speech.

"The sorting ceremony will be in fifteen minutes. Freshen yourselves up and meet me at the bottom of the staircase." McGonagall walks back to the Great Hall, leaving us to our business. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Myles and I start walking towards the bathrooms when the pale boy from before walks up to us.

"Is it true, you're Harry and Myles Potter? I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He asks before introducing himself. His eyes trail to me as he speaks and I begin to feel uncomfortable, his glare piercing into me. His aura glowed black and brown, it was unfortunate how only I could see it. Myles senses my uneasiness and grabs my hand. I refrain from gasping as I smile softly at him, squeezing his hand in return before paying attention to the ugly rat.

"Maybe they are, why's it any of your business?" Ron snaps at the boy, glaring at him in annoyance. Ron's EE grew slightly black with his anger.

"Wait, don't tell me. Red hair, hand-me-down robes and a stupid complexion. You must be a Weasley." He sneers childishly with an ugly scowl on his stupid face. Ron looks down embarrassed. All of his confidence drains from him as he looks ashamed.

"Hey Malfoy, lay off. I don't necessarily think it's any of your business." Hermione glares at Draco. Ron sneakily smiles at Hermione as his EE regains its colour; blue, yellow and red. I almost miss the bright pink speck that appears suddenly. I smile knowingly to myself.

"Sorry, I don't speak Mudblood. Anyway if I were you, Potter one and two — I would think about who I was hanging around, especially if they're the wrong sort." We get called back by McGonagall. "We'll continue this is later." Malfoy spits. All the first years head towards the Great Hall and the doors open rather grandly. Everyone stares in awe at the ceiling, floating candles illuminating the room as hundreds, possibly thousands of students watch as we sit down. I don't let go of Myles' hand as we sit. I feel safer and his EE definitely showed he felt the same.

"I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts. Welcome, First Years. You will be sorted into the four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin by the sorting hat, each house depends on your personality traits and talents. The chivalrous, the smart, the kind and the cunning." He explains and everyone applauds. We stand near a chair, on the chair sits a hat.

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