"Where am I?" I asked, though I had my suspicions.

"The Steffen's pack house, in one of the clinic rooms."

"There's a clinic?" I asked.

"It's right above the cells."

Just then the door behind the doctor opened, and in came the last person I expected to see here. At the same time, I should have known better than think he wouldn't be here though. Cole came in, eyeing the doctor. It wasn't until he sat down on the other side of me, that he turned to look at me, and realized I was awake.

"Oh my god!" He screamed, throwing his arms around me. "You had me so scared."

"I'll leave you two," Dr. Tourow said as he left the room.

Cole perched on my bed, when he pulled out of the embrace.

"Please, don't ever do that to me again," He begged.

"Uh..." I trailed off. Cole didn't mind I didn't even give him an answer, because he gave me another hug, as if to reassure himself I was actually there. I wrapped my arms around my twin. He scooted in next to me, so we both sat with out backs to the headboard on the small clinic bed.

"I was so scared I was going to lose you," He whispered.

"Was it that bad?" I asked.


"How did you even find out this happen to me?" I asked.

"You weren't picking up your calls, so I called Jace to find out if anything happened to you. He explained what happen. Trust me, the people here didn't want me coming into the territory. They tried to drag me off the property. I kinda got carried away... But it wasn't until Jace came up and called them all off that I was allowed to come see you. Jace was pissed they made him leave your side."

"What did you do?" I asked, laughing at the expression on his face.

"I may have forever pissed off a few werewolves with my gun," he said sheepishly.

"You didn't!"

His expression said it all.

"You are seriously stupid," I muttered with a chuckle.

"Yeah, you can save the speech. I already got it from Jace," He grumbled, eyeing the still sleeping Jace.

"He hasn't been sleeping, has he?" I asked.

"No. Every time I come he's awake. They told me he's been drinking a lot of coffee and energy drinks to watch over you, when his wolf isn't enough to keep him awake. He refused to let himself fall asleep, just in case something happen to you. I offered to watch over you while he sleeps for a little bit, but the look he gave me... I guess he finally crashed though," Cole explained.

"He's going to hate himself for falling asleep when I finally wake up," I mutter, looking over at my mate. Black tired bruises bloomed under his eyes, his hair was longer, and his jaw was covered in stubble.

Cole nodded his head.

"So I'm guessing you heard the whole story of what happen?" I asked.

"Yeah, Dylan explained it to me."

"Wait, you met my family?" I asked.

"I thought they would be some scary perfect werewolf family, but they aren't at all. They are completely normal."

"I thought you said they weren't perfect?"

"Perfection isn't normal," He muttered.

"Seems you've been thinking a lot," I tease.

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