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I quickly pulled myself together as I realized how ridiculous it was for me to be crying over someone that I didn't love anymore.

Or did I still love Brandon?

Sure I would always love him but I would never be in love with him.

Obviously that's how he felt too so it was truly time to move on.

"Katy...are you okay?" Kristen asked pouring me a cup of coffee.

"Yes." I smiled. "I'm actually perfect."

"Good. Now let's plan your wedding!"

It was so exciting to talk about my wedding. I still couldn't believe that I was really getting married. It was a dream come true.

"Now as your maid of honor, I know you already have your theme and you only want Kim and I as bridesmaids but you haven't given me any ideas for what you want for a bachelorette party."

"Well the wedding is still a ways away..."

"Katy. I need to book and reserve places. You can't do these last minute. That is a death sentence."

"I know. I know. It's just that...isn't it better for me to wait for Nathan to start all the planning. I mean I still have to meet his parents next week and see what they want for their son. They may not even like me and call off the wedding all together."

"Kathryne. Calm down." Kristen said grabbing my shoulders.

"We're not planning everything right now. As your maid of honor it is my job just to get some ideas."

I laughed and breathed deeply. "It's okay."

Kristen and I spent that whole night looking up different color schemes and different types of dresses. It was all so surreal.

Suddenly my phone rang and I felt my heart race and my hands tingle as I saw that it was Nathan.

"Hi future husband!" I said smiling.

"Hi future wife! You sound happy...how's my girl?"

"She's actually picking out color schemes for our wedding."

"Oh wow. Can you send me some pictures?"

"Of course! I even have some ideas of how you could wear your suit."

"I can't wait to see them. Speaking of wedding, I found my best man."

"I thought you were on a book tour..." I laughed.

"I am. After tonight's book signing, I ran into an old buddy of mine that I haven't seen in years. We go way back and he lives in Georgia now!"

"Wow...you're really excited about this."

"I am..."

"So you asked him to be your best man and he said yes?"


I curled up in a ball on the couch and smiled like a little girl on Christmas Eve.

"I can't wait to see you Nathan...I love you."

"I love you so much, Katy."

We let silence take over the phone as we basked in the love we had for one another.

"Tell me about your day..." He finally said later.

I told him all about Brandon and Ashley coming back and immediately his voice changed.

"Kathryne please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry...Kristen is here, and mom and dad live close. I'll be fine."

"I just...I don't want to lose you..." He whispered.

I twisted my engagement ring around my finger and smiled.

"You won't lose me...I promise."


Nathan and Katy are so cute...gosh!


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Literally comment anything...

Love yall!!

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