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"Mentally not there! SERIOUSLY!! He is mentally not there!" I ranted on to my collection of stuffed toys about the conversation I had with Neymar last night. It wasn't ideal to rant to a real person, so I thought to rant to something rather not 'life like'. What was he thinking. Was it the moment that swept him off his feet; or was it rather the feelings that concaved in. I don't know... But everything felt so for real. I never wanted that moment to end because at the end of the day. He is really my twins-not mine.

I rushed to the door, grabbed my stuff and ran towards a village nearby.

"Olá, Maria!" I ran to her and gave her a warming hug. I haven't seen her in a long time. In fact; I hadn't seen her since I left to the UK with my mother.

"Olá Laila!!! I haven't seen you for ages. How are you?"

"Great! How's life been"

"Good! But boring. There is no fun without you doido! Anything new -- like a boyfriend or what not?"

" sheesh NO! What makes you think that?" I stared at her with my eyes wide open waiting to hear her response. I hadn't had a boyfriend for months. In fact, I was sick and tired of being in these 'romantic' relationships. They all end the same... Guy or girl dumps you, you or them end up crying - then happily move on. I'm not about that life.

"Doido have you seen yourself. I have noticed the village boys not leaving their gaze upon you. You - you are so BEAUTIFUL!"

"Awh Maria, you are as just the same - but this doesn't mean I am incouraged to get a man because of my looks. No no ... "

She shrugged - "I guess so. But seriously how come?"

"Just haven't met anyone yet that is the right person. I need time... Romantic gestures are not my type of thing."

"Well I guess you're right in that way, but what about Neymar. He's a catch isn't he?"

Unfortunately I remembered the utter most heart breaking thing - I liked him but knew he was never going to be mine.

"Yeh he's great but - he - has - um - Carol." I stuttered whilst mumbling the deep words imbedded in my tongue. I actually liked him. Sadly my 'prettiest' sister got to him first. I'm just the side chick of the bunch. Not a friend, nor a sister - but to both a third wheeler. I wanted to swollow my words and say it wasn't true. But I cannot live in a fantasy. Reality had to be the thing for me to give in to.

"Awh don't worry Doido. You'll find someone one hundred times better! I know it."

I smiled, then hugged her and left. I walked to one of the trees and climbed. For some reason my favourite thing to do is climb trees. This was what made me contemplate in life - does it have a meaning and an end? Will I ever meet the right person who will take me to endless distances never reached before? Where are you now?  Was it all in my fantasy?


                 (Neymar P.O.V)

Hanging out with Carol is not the same anymore. I could not help but think of the conversation I had with Lilly. I really felt a spark that lit between us that night. Sharing rooms was one thing - now I was sharing a connection.

I could not help but think about her. The way she must of crumbled apart inside when seeing me and her sister together; the way she believes she is not worth it. Some one needed to tell Lilly she is worth more than a million. I am no worthy for a girl like her - I need to find someone that would make her feel like a million. More than I'll ever give her. Someone to take her away so I could forget and carry on normally or is this too much?

Both Laila and Neymar are totally confused about each other. Nothing makes sense to them and are both discovering new connection that have just sparked in between them. But will they try to move on or will they try to work things out?

**** comment for opinions , mistakes and improvements 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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