The move

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Flooded with tears, I received a big hug. "Don't cry. We will always be together". Neymar squished me in his big arms reassuring that we will never be apart."It's not fair. Why does Carol get to stay? Why can't I? I want to stay with you and rafa. There's no fun in the UK". I bursted into tears. I really wanted to stay. "Look at me!". His big hazel eyes searched into mine. "We are always going to be best friends no matter what". He let go of me. Rafa ran and jumped on to me... Never letting go. "Please don't go... Who's going to braid my hair and play with me?" She bursted into tears and held me tighter." You're the only sister I ever had. I will never forget you". I had to let go. Mother was calling me. My flight was here. I picked my small suitcase and head towards the gates. Tears ran down my cheeks. No best friend to rub them away. I turned and waved to them and to my sister. I was never going to see them again. Not for a long time, for sure...

I boarded the plane. I haven't sat in first class for a long time. In fact I hardly traveled at all. The most traveling I dome was moving around in Brazil its self! As the plan lined up to take off, I looked outside. Tears trickeled down my cheek. I whispered goodbye. Goodbye to my family, to my friends, and to the lovely neighborhood who helped me have the best time of my life. I hung on tight to the seat. The plane took off.

The flight was so boring and long. I slept the whole journey off. The food was alright but it wasn't the food I get home. We finally landed, but there is some saught of delay. To be honest, I was knackered. Feeling jet lagged I wanted to at least sit down. Finally the gates opened and we were allowed to move on. Heathrow airport was quite clean and huge. There was loads of shops on the side and cafés too. "Mum, can I please?" I shrugged my mum, pointing at the café for at least a hot chocolate so I can't feel the pain of hunger on the journey. Holding the hot chocolate in my hand, i stepped outside. Cold and freezing it was. I smelled the air and said to myself, 'this is where I'm going to live. I can do this. Can I ?'. I strolled to the taxi and opened the boot. My mother already had sat in the car expecting me to do the luggage's. The driver kindly came out and did it for me. "Thank you!" I thanked him and sat in the car. Hopefully people in the UK have a kind heart like him. The car started moving. We were finally heading to London. To our house...

Whilst the car was moving, I stared outside. There were many buildings in the city. But I guess you would expect that. Finally we stopped. I looked to my left. "We are here", mum smiled at me. I smiled back. I stepped outside. Mum brought the luggages. I ran to the white door. The house was big, and I thought it was a bit too big for the two of us. I opened the door and took a big breath. Inside was cream walls with white banners that were embroided. The kitchen was humongous. It had red cabinets , stainless steel american style fridge and every little thing you needed for a kitchen! The living room was roomy and had a long sofa, with cute cushions on top. The TV was bigger than homes. I ran upstairs to see the room I was going to sleep in. It was perfect! It had a nice daybead on the side and a cut desk on the other. And I had a huge cupboard for my clothes and it also had a place to my shoes into. The walls were white and the floor was red. I could decorate my walls as much as I liked. I fell backwards onto the bed. This I where I am going to live. This is where I'm going to be ...

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