Not the same...

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(Neymar P.O.V)

She's gone. She really has gone. My life feels incomplete now that she's gone. No one could be as close as us two. She's the bestest friend I ever had. Why did she have to go. Why can't her annoying sister go. She is useless here, in Brazil. I really do not like her. Carolina Dantas. Always getting me and Lilly (what I call Laila) into trouble. I remember the time me and Lilly sneaked to a street football at 9:00 at night. Street football at night is the best. Because we are 14, our parents did not agree for us to go out at that specific time. So we had to sneak out. Our timing for coming home was a bit late.. OK! A lot late. Maybe 4 hours late. But it was so fun! We sneaked back him and tiptoed to our rooms. Then the lights turned on. Our parents stared at us like they were going to murder us. Then standing outside her door was Carol. The bitch told them. We were grounded for a long time. They made sure football was only training for us and that we couldn't see our friends for a normal outing. That was for a month. Yes a month! Just for a game. All because of Carol!

Reality hit me in the face. "Neymar, she is going to be ok!" Rafa stared into my eyes. She had been crying. Laila is like her big sister. Rafa is only 12. Laila would always look after her and play with her like doing her or what ever girls do. I wiped her tears away. I didn't want to see her cry or be sad. Not like this!

"Rafa don't cry! Please?!"

"I want Lilly!"

"Don't worry she will come back." I reasured her that she will. I first thought I was the one who needed to be reassured. But I was wrong. Rafa needed someone. She really did.

'I want Lilly back... NOW!"

She bursted into tears and grabbed onto my arm. I hugged her and made sure she felt comfortable. She needed me and I am going to be the best brother she ever had. I also needed to solve the Laila problem. Laila needs to come back. Rafa needs her big sister too.
(Laila's P.O.V)

A month has past. Life is not the same. Not here. The new school I go to does not have any football sessions for girls. All we play is netball and rounders. Netball- a game where you can't even move with the ball. What a shit game! The worst thing about it, is that I have to be assigned to the team, otherwise my grades will drop! Let my grades drop. Never wanted to play it in the first place. When I first entered the school, things seemed to be really lonely. I sat in break or lunch in a lonely table by myself, staring at my stupid blackberry. I legitly scrolled the key up and down to look like I was chatting to someone. Sometimes I would talk to Ney. But that esculated all the time because I kept on getting huge bills through the post. Hehe... A week past and my cousin came with her friend. They came back from a week trip. Nafisa and Aniqah. Thank the Lord for sending them! We became the bestest of friends from that day. The good thing about them is that we can go out and play football together or just have house parties at random peoples yard. Not so random. Just some people from school. But days don't past without me thinking how Rafa is coping without me. How my sister can't do her work properly. She may be a bitch, but we sure do work together well. Neymar hates her, but you can't make everyone like a person.
Carol is like marmite ; you either love her, or hate her.

My phone began to suddenly ring. It was Neymar! I rushed to pick up the phone. I inflamed with joy.

"Oiiiiii, cabeça merda (lol I call him shit head sometimes)!!! How you been?!"

"Oi, DOIDO, STOP CALLING ME THAT CADELA" (he calls me crazy; aka-doido and a bitch at the same time.... I see how this goes)

"Haha, I'm sorry dodo brain. So... How are you? How is your family? HOW IS RAFA!?"

"I'm good and so is the family. Rafa is fine-well..."

"Well what?"

"She ran away to the airport and tried to board the plane to Heathrow airport."

"OMG! Is she alright? Why did she do that?"

"She wanted to come live with you, Lilly... I don't blame her. When are you coming back?"

"Soon actually! Mum said that after my GCSE's, I'm off to Sao Paolo! I can't wait to see you guys again!"

"Yes! Rafa will love to hear this. I'm so glad."

There was a distant pause. Neymar went quiet. I started panicking. Butterflies filled my stomach. Really Laila?

"Soz Lilly, I got to go."

"It's OK.. I got a bit worried you know then!" (I giggled continuously)

"Laila, do me a favor before you come back."


"Keep practicing football. I got a surprise for you when you come back! Bye doido!"

He put the phone down. I stared into the wall. Not only he wanted me to carry on the skills that I already am doing - he had something in play for me. What was it? Or what is it? It must of got something to do with football. Hmm. Well I can't wait to get out of this shithole. It isn't home, so to its not the best of places. At all!

So Laila is hopefully going back in 2 years time to Brazil.But that's still a long way away.


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