Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

- Chris’ POV-

“Libie! You ready to go?” I called

“Yeah! I’m coming!”

Today we to release Mama’s ashes. The island was almost two hours away. It was also very pretty. It had a very beautiful waterfall and alot of mountains and trees.  I understood why she wanted to be there when she died.

Every since she died I felt like it was my fault. If I weren’t out in the streets I possibly could’ve helped her live longer. I had been grieving about this and not keeping my promise to Mama. Libie seems to be getting on with it fine...except the other day while she was at school.

“Hello?” I answered right after changing a tire on the latest customers car.

“Mr. McDowell? This is the principle at Olivia’s school and we might have a small problem and I’d suggest you be here”

“What’s wrong?”

“Um, I think it would be better if you came”

Since when did they call the parent or guardian to the school if it isn’t that big of a deal?

“Alright” I hung up the phone and moved to the car that Al, My boss was working on. “Hey, AL, Libie’s got something wrong with her at school. It’s alright if I go right?” I asked .

See Al knew about all the things going on in my life. He knew about Mama’s health. Libie. My deadbeat so called Dad . He even supected about the whole drugs thing. But I always kept quiet about it.

"Of course just be back in a hour. I need help with that one.” He said pointing to the car  under the car cover.

“Alright” I said and headed to Libie’s school.When I got to the school I had everything running through my mind. But my main focus was on Libie and her safety.

“Um , I'm Chris McDowell, the principal said it was best if I came here” I told the woman at the front desk.

“Yes, straight down and the door to the left” She instructed and then went back to typing away on her computer.

“Thank you”

My thought were still uncontrollable . But my last thought was what if someone hurt her and I lost her too?

“What happened?” was the only thing I managed to say once I seen Libie in the corner crying her eyes out. Then she rushed over to me and cried even harder. “Shehekw goonne” She mumbled into my shirt.

She was still torn from Mama.

“Um take a seat” I heard the principle say. I huffed and sat down after Libie let got off of me and she hid behind her hands and tried making quiet sobs. I’ve never seen her this torn up. I guess it finally hit her as it did me? “Again, what happened?” I asked again , a little on edge this time. “See the bad thing is that she has missed a class and a half because she was in the bathroom crying. Usually when a student skips class we just write them up and call it a day but she wasn’t able to talk … as you can see.” He explained and I just looked at  Libie  like she’d lost her mind and she looked up at me.

“Im sorry Chris! Its just alot harder all of a sudden” She said quietly. Then she broke down all over again. Never had I ever seen her so hurt and vulnerable. Not even the day Mama died. It wasn’t this bad. “I know but you can’t let it affect your school work. You knew you could’ve stayed from school for longer if you couldn’t handle it.

Full of itOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora