Chapter 15

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A/N: Guys this is the final chapter!

Oh shit I'm nervous. Performing in front of hundreds of people has always been my dream and I am convinced that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, but right now I feel like throwing up any second. "Tay!" I see Ed running towards me. "Hey! Are you as nervous as me?" "I have to pee literally every 5 minutes it's crazy!", he says grinning. I laugh. "This is going to be awesome! This is what we always wanted Tay! We're going to rock this shit!" We both laugh again. "Thank you Ed!" "For what?" "For being you! I really hope you win! Your song is amazing, you worked so hard for it, you deserve to win!" His cheeks turn red. "Thanks Tay. It means a lot to me. But as Taylor Swifts biggest fan it's my duty to wish that I'll be the one congratulating you tonight." I hug him very tight and I can feel a smile on his face. "May the best one win!" "May the force be with you!" I hit him but smirk at his nerdiness. "Seriously Ed? You totally ruined this moment!" "It was my pleasure!", he says in his perfect british accent. I bite my lip and we both smile. "Good luck Teddy!" "Good luck TayTay!"

I'm sitting backstage on a chair in the dark. There are so many people rushing around and it made me going crazy so I searched for a silent place to relax a bit and calm my nerves and surprisingly I found this here. I hear the door open and I'm about to hide because I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to be here when I recognize that person. "Cara?" "Taylor? What are you doing here?" "I... I just wanted to relax a bit because all the people rushing out there was driving me crazy." "Oh okay. Then welcome in my hiding place. I always come here when I need some silentness." "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I can leave...", I say while standing up. "No no no! Please stay! There's enough room. Let's just talk!" I nod and sit back down. "Are you nervous Cara?" She smiles. "Actually no. Excited yeah, nervous no. I've always been kind of a show-off. Performing in front of people has never been a problem. I'm nervous when it comes to emotions or writing tests. That's when I'm close to fainting. What about you?" "I am nervous. But I think it's the good kind of nervous even though feeling the urge to vomit probably doesn't count as 'good'. I think I'm just afraid of people disliking me." Cara laughs. "Well I know it probably doesn't help you but there's no need to be afraid of that. I've heard you singing and I talked to Karlie and we both agree that your songs are going to be on the radio for ages! You're really talented and it's close to impossible to not like you." I crack a smile. "You're really nice! Thank you!" But there's something else that really bothers me... "You talked with Karlie about me?" "Yeah she wanted to know what I think of you. She really likes you. You're a lucky girl!" My face has the color of a tomato but my mind and stomach and somehow my whole body is going crazy. Karlie Elizabeth Kloss the girl I have a crush on since more than a year likes me. That sounds so stupid but it's probably the best thing Cara could have said to me. I wasn't nervous about performing in front of all these people anymore, actually I couldn't care less about that because Karlie Kloss likes me and that's at the moment so much more important than this talent show. I still want to win though.

"And next is a girl called Taylor Swift, who's going to perform one of her own songs for us! Hello Taylor!"

The applause makes me feel like my skin's on fire. Everything feels like slow motion. The lights are so bright but they never blind me. In the front row I can see my Mum, my Dad and Austin. I can see them smiling at me and Dad has his camcorder on. I sit down on the small stool in the middle of a gigantic stage with nothing else on it but the microphone. My palms are damp, my mouth is dry and my mind is a blank space. Will I be able to remember all the right words? What if I make any mistakes? That's when I see her. Karlie's sitting on the right side, close to the stage. She smiles her 100% sunshine smile at me and for once I don't die, but get the strength and the power I needed.

"Hello! My name is Taylor Swift and I've written this song for a very special person. I hope you'll like it."

It probably sounded like I meant the audience but actually I was talking to Karlie. Her opinion is the only thing that matters to me anyways.

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