Chapter 1

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Hey! This is my first fanfiction so yeah - I'm happy about constructive criticism or tips. If there are any mistakes (grammar or anything), I'm really sorry - I am from Germany. That's it I guess. I hope you like the story. Have fun!

I am late. Great Taylor. It's a typical Monday morning and I have exactly 20 minutes to get ready. I pick the nearest jeans and a tee before I run to the bathroom to put on some light make up. There's definitly no time for breakfast but I'm not really hungry anyways. "Bye mum!", I shout before walking out the door and jumping on my bike. When I arrive at school I quickly check the time. "Shoot!" 10 minutes late. I knock at the door of the classroom. Mr Turner opens. "Ou Ms Swift has finally arrived. Thank you for the honor of your presence.", he comments sarcastically. "Sorry...", I mumble before walking to my desk. Ed is sitting behind me. He leans forward and whispers in my ear: "Just ignore him. You didn't miss anything important. Everything ok?" I nod. The rest of the day was boring as always until our principal announces that a talent show is going to take place on Friday in 3 weeks and 'everybody with talent' should sign up for it. Immediately I get excited. Ed hits me lightly. "Let's take part in it!", he says and I could hear in his voice, that he was as excited as I was. I smile: "Yeah! But you're going to sing right? Please no weird yo-yo-show!" "Hey!", he gives me a little slap on my shoulder, "I'll perform the new song I've written. I told you about it: 'The A Team'" "I haven't heard this song yet. You should sing it for me at first so I can be the judge", I say while giggling. He smiled and nodded: "Do you have time today? We could fetch our guitars and go to the park..." "Yeah! Sounds great. So in 1 hour in the park?" Ed agrees and we both walk out the school. On the benches in front of the school I see her. Karlie fucking Kloss. The only freshman among all the 'cool' seniors. Her girlfriend is sitting on her lap and laughing at her. And Karlie starts smiling. Oh my god... her smile is like sunshine - pure sunshine. I start breathing again. I didn't even noticed I stopped. Ed watches me. He obviously knows why I stopped walking and stare at the cool kids. I can't stop staring. Now they're kissing - great. Finally I look away. I give Ed a small smile and start walking again. I'm still thinking about Karlie. My incredibly hot neighbor. She's tall like really tall, very thin and has long brown hair. Her eyes are so green, that everytime I look at them, I get lost in them. Her body is very toned, her legs go on forever, her butt is cute, she is smart and she can be damn sexy and a huge dork at the same time. Her best feature however has to be her smile. It could light up New York City after dark I swear. It is so bright that I feel the urge to put on sunglasses when I see it. She is perfect. And I have a crush on her. A huge one. It took me a while till I figured out how to handle this. Karlie was the first girl I ever had a crush on and at first I thought it would be just admiration or friendly feelings but nope... the first time I felt her hands on my arm I knew that this crush was more. We actually hung out a few times due to the fact that we're neighbors. She is incredibly nice and kind and dorky and funny and cute and she acted so normal around me. The cool kids always act like they're something better than the rest of us. Karlie didn't. She even was a little bit shy at first. I still remember the first time we hung out. I was lying in a hammock in our garden and listening to music when she was standing at the fence that separated our properties. The brown haired girl greeted me with a smile that nearly knocked me out and told me she was bored and she asked what music I was listening to. So I pulled the headphones out and you could hear Jason Derulo's 'It Girl' . Karlie immediately started dancing and singing along and after a short time of hesitation I joined her. I asked her if she wanted to come over and she agreed and it was a really funny afternoon. I had to fall in love with her. She was just so fucking perfect! And she was someone elses girl. Specifically Toni Garrn's girl. A blonde girl, who looked like a model. Slim, long legs, a nice face and perfect skin. Her family is super rich and moved from Germany to Nashville, when she was 8. I hated her. How should I even compete with her? Literally every boy at school has a crush on her. She's the captain of the cheerleaders, wears always high heels and skirts which are so short that you can see nearly everything that's there to see. Yeah and she has boobs. It'd been kind of a big shock for the boys at school when she pulled a freshman in front of them and started snogging with her. Nevertheless nothing changed. Everybody loved her, it even increased her popularity (I didn't thought that that's possible) and everybody respected her and her girlfriend. When I'm walking down the aisles of school I always hear comments like "they're so cute" or "ooooh how adorable" or "relationship goals" when they're standing somewhere holding hands or kissing or even worse snogging. I always feel like I have to throw up. The worst thing is that they're right. They're really a cute couple. Someone started to give them a shipname like Brangelina: Torlie. So they basically are the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie of our school. Last Valentine's Day Karlie baked Toni a gigantic heart made of chocolate cake and gave her 73 roses, because that's Toni's lucky number. Our school went crazy about that. But it got worse. I thought I survived that horrible day when the school bell finally rang but I was wrong. I came into the school hall and hundreds of pupils were standing there. Some of them screaming, some had even tears in their eyes and the most were like "omg is this even real". I had no idea what was going on until I saw it - or him. All the pupils were building a circle and in the middle of it was a smiling Toni holding Karlie's hand, who had her other hand over her mouth, but you could still see her gigantic smile, and had tears running down her face, because the third person was her favorite singer Bruno Mars. "Hey Karlie!", he said smiling, "Today is Valentine's Day as you maybe know and your girlfriend told me that I'm your favorite singer and she would really want me as a surprise for you. So I packed my things for a little trip to Nashville and yeah now I'm here. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day Karlie!" Karlie looked like she would collapse within the next few seconds. As if the speech wasn't enough, Bruno started singing 'Just the way you are' to Karlie. Now I thought I would collapse within the next few seconds. Luckily Ed was there and shoved me out of the hall. He brought me home. We haven't spoken a word on the way home. We were standing in front of my house and were looking at each other. "At least he didn't sang 'Marry you'", he said. I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks for bringing me home." He just nodded and walked away. The next day at school I heard that he performed that song too. Well - that's my life. I'm a gigantic loser who is in love with a perfect girl who has a perfect girlfriend. "Taylor?" Ed's voice brings me back to reality. "What?" "We're at your house. That's were you live. That's were you're going to eat lunch and then get your guitar and head to the park till 3 pm, remember?" "Ou yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something." "Yeah I know. A certain brown haired girl.", he sighs. I bite my lip and give him an apologetic look before saying "See ya in the park" and heading to my house.

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