Chapter 3

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I wake up before my alarm goes off, which is really rare because I love sleep just so much, but today I'm awake because of something I love even more than that. Karlie. I'm not even sure if the kiss yesterday was real or just a dream. I mean she told me that she didn't do it because she has feelings for me or anything like that, but that doesn't matter to me. She still kissed me and that's a fucking fact! I walk to my closet and choose a wide white tee and a pair of black leggings. Then I go to the bathroom and make myself ready even though I have much time left. I head down to the kitchen, where my mum is making breakfast. I'm so early, even my Dad is still home, but he's on his way out the door. "Bye Dad!", I shout after him and with a face full of surprise he comes back in again. "You're early, honey! Bye, have a nice day!" I smile. "Good morning, sweetie!", my mum says. "Good morning!" She hands me a cup of cocoa and I make myself some cereals. "So are you going to tell me why you're up so early and in such a good mood?", she smirks at me. "I am just having a happy day. Nothing special. But yesterday our principal told us about a talent show, which is going to take place in two weeks and I'm very excited for that." Technically there was no lie. It just wasn't 100% the true reason. "I'm happy for you! So are you going to perform one of your songs?" "Yes, I want to perform one of my own songs, but I'll write a new one." "Well, then you have work to do, honey! You could use the mornings..." I smile: "Probably, yeah."

It's a Tuesday afternoon, that means there's a beach volleyball game, where our school's team takes part in. There's only one reason why I'm watching it: Karlie Kloss in really short pants, a tight top and on top of that - she's sweaty. I swear it's really close to heaven. The only problem is her girlfriend, who is obviously the captain of the cheerleaders. But it's still worth spending nearly every Tuesday afternoon for this for about a year now. Ed sits down next to me. He's only there because I always look so lonely without him. "Hey", I smile. "Hi. It really sucks that we have no roof here. Like seriously Taylor, I'm pretty sure I'll get a sunburn. Redheads always get sunburns the easiest." "Yeah, you're right I own you one. But thanks for being here with me." "Will you ever tell Karlie? Cause you're basically stalking her - yeah you're right not in the creepy way, more the romantic way - but still you're obsessed with her. Why don't you just tell her about your feelings? I mean what can possibly happen? You don't talk now and if she'd reject you, you would still not talk. If she'd leave her really hot girlfriend, like I know I'm sorry but she is hot, and choose you, you have everything you've ever wanted like I bet not even in your wildest dreams you could picture how awesome it would be for you to actually have her. I believe the kind of love you feel for her is something like the big true love. And it's something so fairytale-like it's just beautiful and it's everything I wish for you." I look at him. The whole day I'm thinking about what happened yesterday. I wanted to tell Ed, but I just didn't know how. But now I just have to speak it out loud. "Karlie kissed me yesterday!", I say grinning like an idiot. "Wait WHAT???", he asks confused, "what happened yesterday?" "She was crying in her garden and I walked outside and she asked me to come over and when I was there she wanted me to hold her and she told me everything, well basically just that she was crying because Toni accused her of cheating with her best friend Cara who she was about to go to the cinema with, I don't know which movie, doesn't matter anyways, but it didn't happen because Toni was jealous and told Karlie that she would be a bad investment if she'd really cheated on her but Karlie doesn't cheat and she was really sad and angry and I told her that everything's okay and that she's beautiful and stuff like that and then we talked about Adele and that Toni doesn't like it and then I had to sing 'Someone like you' and she likes my voice and then she said we should be friends and I accidently sang the chorus of 'Let's be friends' and she was like not weirded out and said the lyrics were interesting and then she wanted to know if I ever kissed a girl and I told her that I've never kissed anybody and then her mom called her and she went inside and I went home but she called me back to the fence and when I was close enough she kissed me and I was like what the fuck was that and she said she wanted to be my first because she never has been anybody's first and then she went home and I went home and well now I'm here again", I finish before I start breathing again. I was talking so fast that I simply forgot it. Ed looks at me: "Wow! That is huge! And weird! And kind of cute but in a weird way? I don't know what to say! Like how was it? Was it with tongue? Is she a good kisser?" "I... no it was just a small kiss which lasted for like 5 seconds and I don't know she's my first kiss! Still no matter what I loved it. It was kind of magical and I felt so unbelievable happy after it. It was just perfect. In a strange way I have to admit." Ed just smiles at me. "I'm happy for you Tay! Have you talked to her yet?" "No, we haven't met since." "But she's still with Toni? I didn't hear any break-up news nor rumors." In this moment the cheerleaders start to perform and I have to agree that Toni kills it. There's a reason why she's captain. Karlie stands with her team and drinks some water to refresh herself. She turns around and looks in my direction. It's the one direction she should always look. I smile at her and to my surprise she waves at me, smiling too. The redhead next to me coughs. I hit him lightly. But then it happens. The performance of the cheerleaders is over and they leave the field and Karlie and Toni meet and they kiss. Thank god it's only a short peck on the lips but still. It means they figured things out and are on good terms again. "Come on, let's go", Ed says and I nod and follow him.

I'm back at home and the happiness of today's morning is gone. I had my little daydream fantasy but now I'm back at the ground of reality and the sad truth is that Karlie Kloss is in love with the perfect Toni Garrn and I have to live with that. The whole day I'm listening to Adele. When 'Someone like you' plays for the billionst time today again I check the time: 10:30 pm. Suddely I hear a loud and kind of angry voice. I see Karlie. She walks around in her room. Her window is open and so is mine so I understand at least part of what she's saying. The brown haired girl is on the phone. With who? "Toni! Why are you bitching around? I was just joking for fucks sake! Like come on! I - " Toni. She's fighting with Toni. Again. "Of course I understand you! But I didn't mean it, I... Why would I say that?... That's not true! Stop putting words in my mouth!...You're jumping to conclusions! That is 100% not true! ...You're so fucking annoying do you know that?... Ugh!... Yeah let's talk about it tomorrow... Bye... Toni? I know we're fighting but still - sleep well... Yeah, bye!" I watch her sitting on the edge of her bed. Her head is hanging down and it seems like she's lost her power. She sighs and stands up to close her window and pulls down the window shade. Wow. That was weird. My emotions are going crazy. Am I crazy about the fact that they're fighting? I just don't know, so I grab my guitar, just because I always do that when I'm confused by what I'm feeling. My hands start to play a random melody. It takes some time but I actually like it and so I start singing. Just some random thought and I'll see where it leads me.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, you're fighting

She's going off about something that you said

Because she doesn't understand you like I do

That's not bad, Taylor! I'm surprised by myself but I do like it. It's probably not perfect yet but if I work a bit on it, it could really turn out to be something great. I go on.

I'm in my room, it's a beautiful Tuesday night

I'm listening to the kind of music you like

But she'll never know your story like I do

Hey! Go on! It's like you're having an inspirational firework! Now a chorus would be great.

But she wears tight skirts, I wear t-shirts

She's Cheerleading Captain and I'm on the bleachers

Dreaming about the day when you realize and get it

That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

Yes! I like it! But it's a bit short - let's repeat the meaning a little bit different and put the main point out.

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you

Been here everyday, so why can't you see?

You, you belong with me, you belong with me

'You belong with me' - that's it! I have to write it down. I always get excited when I'm writing a new song, but this one is different. It's beautiful cause it reminds me in every single word of Karlie and it seems like all this drama with her has a positive effect, too. When I go to bed, it's 1 am but it doesn't matter because I'm 100% sure it was worth it.

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