When they about to sing the song Right Now, the lads glanced towards each other know this song, was going to be hard, it was one of Zayn's favorite songs. 

After they finished the last song before the encore, they went down to room to change shirts and wipe away sweat, and some tears off their cheeks. The song hit home for them. They wish Zayn was there right now.

"Let's do this. Four more songs." Liam pushed the three lads into stage where the chords of Night Changes started. Glancing sad at each other, knowing that they just had to get though this.

Just as Harry was about to start singing Zayn's part, a black blur ran catching his eye, stopping his mouth from singing when a voice started to sing. Harry knew that voice. But didn't it leave several months ago? 

All the boys looked at Harry,to make sure if it was him who was singing.But no,he was frozen in place just like the other boys with the mike still near his mouth,his eyes wide. He blinked several times making sure it wasn't a dream. 

The whole stadium had gone silent. The boy glanced at each other as the voice continued to sing. Slowly turned their heads back and were greeted by Zayn, standing there with a mike in his hand.

Letting a huge grin spread on his face and looking straight at the lads. All of them have shocked expressions, even a few tears. 

"Are you going to sing, Li?"Zayn asked Liam as he pulled him into a hug. 

Hesitantly Liam began his part, the shock in his voice showing, but not keeping his eyes off of Zayn, he was afraid that if he looked away then Zayn would disappear. 

Zayn's gaze moved each lad, taking in each of them. He missed them.  His glance stop at Niall who was crying, not even trying to stop the tears, Harry was just standing still not believing this was real. Louis was with Niall, a couple of tears fell out of his blue eyes. 

Zayn frowned, Harry was going to miss his solo, "Sing Haz," Harry hesitantly started with his part.

Then Louis, Niall and Harry once again, none of them letting their eyes off of Zayn. Zayn frowned, He didn't think they would miss them this much, or vise versa. He miss them so much. Tears form in his eyes, what if they didn't want him back. 

The song finished as the lads were still staring at Zayn with big wide eyes,still not being able to believe what they saw,while he stood there a big smile on his face. 

"Za..Zayn?" Niall broke the silence between the lads, ignoring the cries and yells of the fans.

Zayn smiled at him,"Hey Harry."

Harry ran back to the main stage and pulled Zayn in a huge hug. "I can't believe this," he laughed slightly.

As they pulled away, Zayn was pulled into two more hugs before getting into one group hug. 

"Please tell me this isn't a dream," Harry cried.

"It isn't Harry, I am here, and I am not leaving. I am back forever. I promise." Zayn smiled as tears fell down his cheeks. "Let's finish the show, yea? You four up for it?" 

"I am up for it." Four replies came, along with huge smiles. The lads finished the show with their arms around each other, taking in everything. Everything was normal, everything was back as it used to be

As the show finished and the lads made their way backstage and out of everyone's way into a room where no one could bother them, all four started to shout and demand answers for why he left.

"Why did you leave us?"Louis screamed. "What was going on with you? You knew that we could have help you. We are brothers!" Zayn knew that Louis would be the one most pissed at him. They were parters in crime, best friends and he betrayed him, all of them. Zayn knew he was being protective of the other three. 

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